An okay game, but don't bother playing this if you are already hooked on a game like Call of Duty.

User Rating: 6.5 | Shadowrun X360
I downloaded the demo of Shadowrun, to see how good of a game it is. Lots of people said it was a good game, but not worth $60. Now, about a year later, I got this game for $14 bucks, and it is a pretty good game.

Shadowrun was a rpg, but now it has turned into a multi player game. The game style is a lot like Counter Strike. If you die, you are out for the round, unless some resurrects you. The way you can make sure that a person does not get resurrected is by shooting their body until they are dead. This game is also a lot easier to pick up then Counter Strike, because you do not die nearly as fast in this game. Another thing like Counter Strike is that you buy weapons for the round. You can also buy magic, like the tree of life, and the ability to teleport, and tech, like a hang glider.

The single player in Shadowrun is just a bot mode, which really is not fun, so if you do not have Xbox Live then do not bother getting this game.

There are four races you can pick from in Shadowrun. Human, Elf, Troll, Dwarf. Each races has pros and cons. Like elves are weak, and can not take a lot of shots, but they are fasted, and the can regenerate health. Trolls are tough, and as they get shot, their shield builds up, but they move slower and slower.

The graphics in Shadowrun look good. The graphics look a bit cartoony, and they do not compare to other games that came out at that time. One thing that looks bad in Shadowrun is when some one climbs a ladder. Instead of actually climbing up the ladder, you more of just slide up the ladder, when you see some one else going up a ladder, it looks really funny.

The sound in Shadowrun is pretty good. The music at the begging cut scene before the start scene sounds good. The weapons when they fire sound alright.

Over all Shadowrun is a good multi player game, that may of not been worth $60 , but now that it is cheaper, you may want ot give it a try. I would of probably gave Shadowrun a low six or high five if I paid $60 for it.