Long load times, strange method of gameplay. FAIL

User Rating: 1.5 | Shadow Tower PS
Ho hum. I first saw an ad for Shadow Tower on WWW and thought, "Wow! That sounds interesting!" My first mistake....
Your town has been purged by some guy who lives in his tower. Didn't get his name. Hence the name Shadow Tower. Get it? Are you with me?
Since you are the only one left (LOL original storyline hahah), you're getting your bad self to his hood to get some vengeance. Along the way, you'll pick up items, get experience, and explore "dank creepy catacombs". This is actually part of the company's official line, just had to say that!

Spoiler free intro: The first thing that struck me was how hard it was to enter the castle. LOLlies... when I first played it, I died X times just trying to get across the drawbridge! WTH?! The control was pure s7ckage, and couldn't get it to go exactly where I wanted to go, causing me to walk directly off the drawbridge.
I teh died.
At the beginning of teh game. :(
Once I actually got into the tower, things rapidly got worse. How worse? Read on, stranger.

First, when I w00peda few creatures (which you can't do unless you've changed your viewpoint) I picked up the first items. Tried to use them.
Greeted with "Loading..." that went on for what seemed like an eternity. At this point, I was so annoyed! Then received the classic menu screen. "Loading..." came back up when switching menus. This game makes Magna Carta seems like Rogue Galaxy on a PS3....hahah.

The graphics = BASIC
Polygons are all messed up. Pffffffft....back to design school! On both creatures and the game surfaces, the design is so poor. It's pathetic.

Save points are a drag. You had better hope that you are using a cheat device, because you die very easily. Since I threw this game in the wastebasket in a fit of anger after a few hours...I'm not even sure if save points even exist.

Controls = FAIL. Turning right & left is OK, but the up/down controls are really strange (found looking too far up or down just by holding the control down, so yes "touchy" is appropriate). When you move forward, it also tries to mimic footsteps so the picture would bounce up & down like you were actually walking. LOLlies.

My the gaming gods, stay away from this wanker. Along with Big Rigs, this game enters my Hall of Fame as one of the worst ever. Put please do give it to someone you dislike, they will thank you for it. Muwahahah!