Shadowtactics: Blades of the Shogun

User Rating: 9 | Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun PC

I can't recommend it enough if you are into tactics games like the old Commandos, Desperados or even Xcom albeit this isn't turn based. Took me around 26h to finish it and I'm still not done, there definately is replayability.

I have no idea why GS reviewer complained about a steep learning curve, if you are not completely new to the genre it won't be hard getting the grips of the game mechanics at all.

I wrote this review amid GS yearly GOTY list. Alot of people complain that gamespots GOTY list have indies... this is a prime example of a cheap indie game that beats most AAA games in terms of actual value, fun and gameplay. This is a superb game.
And for the money they're asking... it's a no brainer.