A first person shooter with hollywood type quailty, what went wrong?

User Rating: 6 | Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBOX
What went wrong is, this game isn’t that fun to play. It's just a run of the mill FPS with a story although starts out great. As time goes on it gets less and less interesting where I didn’t even care what happened. Almost every mission you are pitted with hapless AI buddies that appear to only be there for target practice and constantly screaming into your ear. The enemy AI aren’t geniuses either they sometimes take cover, if it isn’t scripted in anyway, but mostly you can shoot them before they even react. The game felt more of a chore to play then a joy. Although the sound in this game was pretty good and helped the mood the environment was trying to set. This game isn’t horrible by any means, there are worst FPS out there. It's just that this game isn’t great but isn’t horrible. Worth a rental if you are truly interested. if not just pass this game, your not missing much.