It was a usual Ego-Shooter with overdone Story and typical ups and downs,but then I got the ability to use THX...

User Rating: 8.5 | Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBOX
The Good:
+One of the best Ego-Shooter-Soundtracks
+One of the best THX-Supporting games on XBox,maybe the best
+Really precise Aiming possible
+Link option (If you got 2 XBoxes you can play with 3 People,2 with the host in Split-Screen)

The Bad:
-Half dumb Enemys
-a bit too much explosives
-no really new Features

First off,I can´t really explain why this game got sometimes so bad ratings.I really liked it.Sound aside,there is really nothing thats better or much worse that in any other Ego-Shooter.

The Graphics look nice.They are nearly smooth and the Weapons are really well-designed,or at least well-egnough that I thought I mention it.

The Sound is really something Special.On your normal Stereo-2-Channel-Sound-System you´re happy about the good Soundtrack (ok,ok,sometimes it´s a bit heroic) and really fat Weapon-Sounds.Over an THX-Sound-System it´s the best mixed Sound I´ve ever heard.

The Enemys are a bit dumb sometimes.They are shooting really good,but if you get too near they sometimes don´t know what to do.One Example of the good shooting:In th 1st Level there are wrecked cars and the enemy shoots precisely through the windows.
Thats one of the best parts of the game.Unlike in games like Call of Duty you cann shoot really accurate.The car-thing is on example that has benn screwed often.
A problem are the Explosives.Every level got plenty of them.Sometimes the enemys hide behind them (Harr,Harr,Harr).You can kill MANY Enemys that way.Or loose lives,because the Enemys know that too.
There are very much more or less good hodden Health-Packs in the Game.It´s really fun searching for them,so situation is not that hopeless.

The Story is very heroic.The typical "One man against the most evil terrorist to save the world".With Ex-Girlfriend and everything.I liked it a bit because at least it´s nothing special,but more Story than the most other Ego-Shooter.

It´s a really solid Ego-Shooter with graphics that are ok,sometimes a bit dumb Enemys and Marvelous THX-Sound.
For every Ego-Shooter-Fan in search for new Food should take a look,the other ones stay away.
Or handle it like the most people with the Black Hawk Down Movie:
Even if you don´t like it,it´s the best way to test your DD5.1/THX-Stereo.