i thought this game was alot of fun, sure the cutscenes are full of cheesy action but it was still very fun

User Rating: 8.6 | Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBOX
i thought this game was fun. sure there is alot of cheesy action in the cut scense but that kind of adds to this game. this game is pretty much a mindless shooter with very little thinking needed.

you play as a soldier named Frank Hayden. who is on a mission to get this atomic bomb called the red murcury. so u pretty much shoot you way through 1,000s of poeople in order to get this bomb from the "bad guy" and save the day. kind of like most other 1st person shooters but maybe sometimes there shouldent be alot of change, if you are looking for a realistic military game then stay away from this game but if you are just looking for a good time, you should check this game out.