Action packed from the word Go!

User Rating: 8.9 | Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBOX
Red Mercury wastes no time as far as getting straight to the fun of simulated killing! You are placed straight into the warzone and have to start blasting right away. The audio and graphics are superb and real to life and the gameplay is fast and furious. The storyline is pretty simple, just survive the battles, but if you are like me, if you want a good story of real life war you will just read a book on it. I find this game both fun and thrilling, plenty of enemies to kill and lots of explosions. The game is pretty generous with the Ammo and health and very generous with both toe to toe confrontations, and a fair share of Sniping...very satisfying! The missions start short and slowly work their way up, as do the enemies you get better...they get more savage, great fun all round!