It's hard to put a finger on exactly what makes Shadow Ops great, but it just has that appeal of a classic run and gun

User Rating: 8.4 | Shadow Ops: Red Mercury XBOX
Shadow Ops is a game that most people will either love or hate. Some people will dismiss it as a problematic and generic FPS title, and some think of it as a solid simple but fun FPS that has that classic. Shadow Ops is a straightforward run and gun shooter but also has a present day military setting, something that's kind of rare these days. The single player campaign is fairly long, spanning around 25 missions. I love how the missions take place in a variety of locations; including a Syria town, African Jungle, Russian winterland, war-torn Eastern European city, and Paris. The game's story isn't anything very original, but it's still good and fits in with the gameplay very well. Every level does a good job of making you feel like you're actually there. You start each mission with 3 weapons. A good tactic in this game is to go to the edge of a wall, zoom in, and lean out and pick off the bad guys. Both the enemy and freindly A.I is kinda dumb, but they can still be challenging at times. Also the physics in this game are a little wonky and glitches are common. The graphics aren't the best, but they are solid and get the job done. The detail in the environments is very nice, but the grenade explosians are akward. The Sound is part of what makes Shadow ops great. The music is stong and sweeping, and fit the mood of the game well. Most of the sound effects are very realistic and if you have a surround sound system, I deeply envy you because the gameplay expeirience would be greatly enchanced. However there are 2 huge blows against this game that hamper it from me giving it a 9.5. First is the multiplayer. The multiplayer just seems needing improvement in every category. There are no bots, few maps and game modes, and online play is laggy and only supports 8 players. But still if you can find a game online and don't feel like playing anything else you might find yourself playing an hour or 2 of Multiplayer. The other blow that really pissed me off was that you can't choose or pickup weapons. You are given 3 weapons at the beggining of each mission, and while they are usually very suitable for the particular mission, the gameplay would have been dramaticly imporoved if you had more choice in weapons. But still Shadow Ops sort of has that cinematic classic feel of old 007 shooter or Soldier of Fortune. It's the FPS classic of gunning down terrorists with a modern arsenal in a variety of locations around the world without haing to be hammered down by realism elements. If you're a fan of run and gun shooters, and miss the good old days of playing The World is Not Enough on your N64, then give Shadow Ops a try.