The story in this game is old and boring, but the gameplay grows on you.

User Rating: 8.2 | Shadow of the Colossus PS2
This game is one of the greatest game I ever played, but the story is not good.
You have to kill sixteen colossus to awake a princess that sleeps, well its not the best story I heard though.
But the gameplay is great, how you climb them and everything, and you always have to find out how to get on to the colossus weak points.
The graphics are good, although the prince does not look so good but the fur on all the colossus looks amazing and I like it.
One thing that makes you beat this game so fast is that you can beat this game from the first time that you put the disc in and after that close the PS2 off.
Its because after killing each colossus, makes you wanna kill more and in the end you have killed all the colossus and "wops" you have beated it.
I recommend this game for all types of gamers because I didn't like this game when I saw it the first time but then when I played it I liked it.

Fanx for reading this review! /// Alan