Shadow of Rome is a grim bloody limb hacking ancient game that sets you out trying to find out who muredered Ceaser.

User Rating: 8 | Shadow of Rome PS2
Shadow of Rome is one of those games that you'll feel good about at first then get bored after a while. Now it is satisfying chopping a guys body in
half with a big Halberd axe. I love the mauls as well for crushing them big
fat bosses you have to deal with. You play as two guys, this Octavinis guy and this agatha guy who is a gladiator. Its a game full of mystery, plot and corruption in Romes darkest days. Its a great game. Theres tigers which you can chop and slice to pieces as well. As the Gladiator you battle in the arena and fight for the Roman army going and fighting Vikings and Saxons. The ones with the army are the biggest battles. Im not sure which one I like best. As Octavinis or whatever his name is, you try to find out who truly did the crime of muredering Ceaser. Agathas father is framed for it and is set for execution and they must stop it together. Octavinis goes undercover sneeky in Rome going into the Senate house and sneeking past guards. Generally killing them as well with surrounding enviroments. He can pick up their weapons as well. Its a good game with the fighting gory and limb hacking. Its really brutal and gives you a taste of what Ancient Rime was like thousands of year ago. Its good game though I'd like to see another game of it made for the PS3 like Shadow of Rome 2 or something cool like that where Spartans are invading your city. That would be cool. Its a bit like Spartan Total Warrior except not quite as good. Still a great game though thats worth to buy for £7.99 out of GAME Or get it on EBAY for like £2 or something. Anyway, yeh good game, pretty decent graphics and sound quality for PS2 and I hope there is a sequel. Theres a strong rumour of it anyway in the latest issue of the PLAY magazine. Anyway, great game, get it if you're into all that stuff.