A Decent Game Based In Rome!

User Rating: 7.7 | Shadow of Rome PS2
Shadow Od Rome is a realy good game, you take a role of a gladiator

GOOD- Gory gameplay; long satisfing story; Easy to learn; great combat

BAD- Graphics are to square and buggy, gameplay can feel....some what dragging

You play as a gladiator in rome and you can build him up to make him strounger each time you when battles, the satasfing story makes it a great game to play and fell of stabbing a knife into someone feels wicked, but the game drags and its very lanear, but its still a very fun game to play as you can pull of desafing death moves like pulling of an head!

The worse part of the game!, the graphics aint top notch, there squared and buggy and does'nt belong on this platorm.

The sound of a knife being drivin inside a human sounds so realistic with the splatter of blood being slung on the floor and great load ampped music booming in the background!

Shadow of rome is a very good game thats not to be missed, but its a game that'll bore you quickly