A must have for fans of the first, and a high recommendation for RPG fans.

User Rating: 9.2 | Shadow Hearts II PS2
Covenant in many ways improves upon the first game. Not only is the story a lot longer, one of the few 2-DVD games out there, but the graphics are better, and combat is more in depth with the added combo system. The Judgement Ring is also more difficult to master as well. The new cast of characters is excellent, from Karin, a German soldier, to Jepetto the puppetmaster, each has their own abilities and personalities. My favorite character is Blanca the wolf, who happens to be the best support character; able to heal, ressurect, and cure status ailments for little MP cost. Yuri also has many more fusions.

Gameplay 9- following the same formula as the first game, the storyline is traditionally linear, which much added depth. The added combo system is a great new feature. there are also many sidequests available.
Graphics 9- better than the first. The character and monster models are excellent. The world itself seems a little bland as far as color goes, but is appropriate as the story takes place in a World War I europe.
Sound 9- great combat music and sound effects
Value 10- One of those games to add to your RPG collection, it's getting harder and harder to find this game as time goes on.