If you want a great story driven RPG, with an unusual style, your wait is over.

User Rating: 10 | Shadow Hearts II PS2
After not ever hearing a thing about Shadow Hearts, I picked this up out of curiosity. I'm glad I did because this is a very fun, very unusual type of RPG. The story is great, if strange. You play as Yuri, a harmonixer with the power to fuse with the souls of different enemies. At the beginning of the game, you meet a young soldier, Karen, given an assignment of helping a exorcist from the Vatican named Nicholai. Nicholai is planning to find Yuri, and implant him with the Holy Miseltoe to take away his power. Karen doesn't know this until it's too late. Yuri gets stabbed in the stomach with the Holy Miseltoe, and loses the ability to transform into other enemies. The rest of the story is up to you to figure out. Along the way, you will meet a puppeteer, a mentally challenged vampire, and more. Strange and unusual indeed.
The gameplay is really interresting because instead of the overused turn-based fighting, where you imput a command only to watch your character carry it out (ie. Final Fantasy X), you use a system called the "judgement ring." This pie sliced device is used for everything besides conversations and opening the occasional treasure chest. The ring has three slices in it, similar to a pie, generally having three slots, with a little red slice on the tip of each one. The object is to wait for the spinning line to get inside the slices, with hitting the red slice for a bonus at whatever you are doing. If you are buying/selling items, this will either lower the cost of what you are buying, or raising the value of what you are selling. If you are attacking or casting magic, it will determine if you carry out your action. This means if you miss your slice, your anything you are doing with the ring fails. If this sounds difficult, it really isn't. As with any game, a little paitence and practice, and you will be nailing the red slices, or strike zones, like a pro. Its a fun system, and you will find yourself, more often than not, appreciating this breakout of boring battles.
The graphics for its time, and now, are great. Characters are detailed and environments are nice and detailed, although, not much interaction, just looks. Overall, this is a very underrapreciated RPG, and one that is worth giving a chance. Just be prepared for a long and strange journey across two disks.