This is not Metroid! I wont go in depth about technical and all that stuff, that is why we have the gamespot's reviews.

User Rating: 8.5 | Shadow Complex X360
I am just going to go against the flow here...and don't get me wrong, this is a great game!

Everyone is talking about how its so similar to Metroid or even Super Metroid (it does not have the speed of super metroid at all, i mean please, be respectful about the classics, this is a great game, but come on! don't sell the greatest 2D scroll game so cheap!) , and i can see why, but it's really not that similar!

If it is, it might be to Metroid, not at all super metroid!, i actually think the gameplay is more like the old "Out of this world" or even the original prince of persia, what makes it sort of a fusion between "Out of this World" and Metroid, it have the game play of the first and the camera angle of the second, with a couple of his on tricks of course.

So...NO! it is NOT SUPER METROID, but it is still a great game with mixed styles.

Try the demo and you'll se what i mean ^ ^