Serious Sam, while nothing is serious about this title, except for the gameplay, you won't regret giving it a try.

User Rating: 9.5 | Serious Sam XBOX
I don't think I'll never see another FPS like this again, and it's a real shame, that this gem didn't get the cred it deserves. I have never played a game so hard core, that you literally have to spin in circles, spewing forth chain gun ammo, just to wipe out the wave and mass army of enemies. The humor of headless bombing kamikazes, and galloping, undead steers just will blow you away. While the environments will sieze you, the monsters will haunt you, amd the weapons will own you. From temples to forests, I can't possibly recommend any other FPS shooter other than this, Long Live SAM SERIOUS STONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!