Oddly satisfying, yet too short and shallow for a console game.

User Rating: 7 | Get Bass DC
Sega accomplished something that I never dreamt possible... it sucked me into a video game about fishing. There isn't much to Sega Bass Fishing. the title is pretty much self-explanatory - you're on a bass boat fishing for, get this, bass. You almost don't even notice the abject lack of any other fish, every scene is stocked like a man-made pond but is set in random natural environments. It's a bass fisherman's dream... except there isn't any beer.

The game is simple. You cast your lure and try to attract the bass into biting. To this end you get a lures-eye view of the action (or frequently "inaction") while you shake, rattle and dangle an imaginary lure at an imaginary fish. It's so surreal that you soon put aside the notion that a fishing game is what's lying at the bottom of the gaming barrel and you find yourself actually engrossed in the hopes of hooking "the big one". The presentation here is so well done that it's almost laughable that they put all of this effort into a fishing game. Sega did a great job of bringing an arcade oddball into the home console market. It's fun and easy to pick up, unfortunately there isn't any real depth here to justify buying it unless you're collecting Dreamcast games or are a huge fan of fishing games. Given the choice I'd go with Sega Marine Fishing over this.