Dull gameplay, seemingly rushed production, not worth your time given the number of better titles out there.

User Rating: 3.5 | Section 8 X360
By itself, Section 8 looks promising if you're new to FPS games. It's a regular FPS with decent graphics, good weapons, a few unique novelties, and a basic storyline.

Begin comparing it with the ocean of insane competition out there, and you realize just how poorly it compares. "Decent" graphics now seem lackluster and bland, the "good" weapons appear generic and lacking personality, the "novelties" become cheap gimmicks in a desperate attempt to save face, and the "basic" storyline lacks charm and character.

Gone are the days when gameplay alone was the sole contributor to the gaming experience. Over the years, games have become like playable movies, thereby substantially elevating the importance of the storyline, music, voice-acting, character intros and build-ups, etc. These factors, which were once merely on the periphery of how "good" a game was, are now essential elements that determine how quickly you leave the real world behind and become absorbed in the game.

The gameplay is mediocre at best. You will notice a lack of the fluidity we have become so used to by the Halo and CoD series, as you struggle to squeeze the best out of clunky control mechanics. Missions are unmotivated due to the rushed and cheap storyline, which seems to be more of a developer afterthought than the basis of the single-player campaign. There are practically no proper "briefings" between missions; just a quick load screen to tell you that you've progressed to the next level. And then the game ends.

Section 8 isn't a horrible game within itself, it offers all the basics an FPS should. But, with tough competition out there, you begin to see that this game doesn't even get the basics right, let alone the depth we see in other games nowadays. Buy this if you are new to FPS titles. Stay away if you're not.