Even years after it's initial release, the game is still just as fun to pick up and play. And now it is FREEWARE!

User Rating: 8.9 | Savage: The Battle for Newerth PC
Savage: The Battle for Newerth is a game created by the company S2Games. This innovative PC title combines two completely different game genres, First Person shooting and Real Time strategy, into one seamless blend that is incredibly entertaining, fast paced and satisfying.

I remember picking this particular game up years ago when a co-worker of mine recommended the game since he knew how much I loved First person shooting as well as real time strategy gameplay elements. The game was surprisingly simple enough to pick up on and play, with a very familiar controller scheme that most gamers will immediately get used to. The biggest, primary difference that makes this type of experience different from other first person shooters is that one player on your team is the Commander. This player has a real time strategy interface to the game, and manages basically everything you would expect- The construction of buildings, weapon upgrades, directions and strategic commands.

With the exception of a very limited count of worker unit NPCs which do absolutely nothing aside from mining and building, all of the units that the commander has are the actual players on his or her team playing the first person shooting element of the gameplay.

The symbiotic relationship between the players and the commander is extremely important. Communication is key, and without a very skilled commander or a very skilled team of players, the resulting team could lose very quickly.

Although the game is extremely easy to pick up and play, winning and playing competitively is a completely different story altogether. Considering the game has been out for a while now, only most that is left are experienced clan members or ex-clan members that are familiar with every single facet of the game. This may be daunting for new players, but thankfully the community is surprisingly helpful, and so long as you don't hop into the commander's seat right away, will most likely be willing to help you out.

The creators of this game made it a requirement to have an internet connection or a LAN with friends to play with. There are no bots or AI whatsoever, except for the few NPC Mob spawns that litter the maps.

Another small gameplay aspect they threw in for good measure is the ability to level up your character through mining, building units, killing enemy units, creatures and performing other various tasks. This provides players who have been participating in the same match a higher survivability chance than those that just joined the game.

The game has not stood the test of time very well, and it's quite obvious when you load into a game. The textures are bland and undetailed; completely different from today's modern PC games such as F.E.A.R. and Half-Life 2. But, at least through my eyes, the game does convey a unique sense of style in their character models as well as the geographic landscape and architecture of buildings. This makes it at least stand apart from most other games, and slightly makes up for the low-grade textures.

The sound effects work very well, and help keep you alert as to what is around the corner. None of the sound effects sound too cheap or annoying, and the voice commands get the job done- Despite the fact that with excessive spamming, they start to sound almost humorous.
The music does work to bring you into the mood of the gameplay, and is surprisingly well done considering how much production was actually put into the game.

This game is a great title to try if you haven't done so by now. The fact that the game is now completely Free Ware says that there is absolutely nothing to lose for at least trying the game out. This should give you a taste of what Savage 2's gameplay will provide when it is released some time next year. For the freeware guide, check out :