An average adventure game.

User Rating: 7 | Sanitarium PC
Although I love adventure games this game never really appealed to me when I was looking at screenshots. It took me years to eventually break down and buy it and I did it based on the critical acclaim it was getting on this site mainly and I seriously can't see what is so great about it.

The graphics look good when everything is static but once you start moving everything falls apart. This game surely has some of the worst animations ever made, specifically the walking animation. And even worse is that you actually need to watch that walking animation over and over again because unlike in most adventure games there is no way to 'skip to the next screen'. That means that if you want to walk from one side of the level to the other you need to walk all the way there and it very often takes forever. I know that adventure games are passive games by default but this goes too far. The music does the trick but the voice acting is very subpar, especially the main character which is unfortunate since you hear him talk so often. The game is overall pretty easy too and it does contain some myst-like puzzles which I hate but it doesn't overdose on them. Overall, a pretty average adventure game.