Guilty thrills and smart comedy show that not every game needs a good story, sweat graphics or realism!

User Rating: 8.5 | Saints Row: The Third PC
Saint's Row: The Third continues the story left off in the second part of the saga. Right off from the beginning you get a totally new feel to the game (especially PC users). The engine has been improved and the visuals have caught up with the series' competition. The Saint's don't keep you waiting before the absurd and intelligent humour starts added to the already great flow of action. The game keeps throwing more and more unbelieveable sequences at you keeping the flow of action and variety very satisfying. Although the game feels a bit easy at points, some might say it is one of it's goals to bring long-lasting and brainless fun.

The third part of the saga mostly only improves on it's predecessors in terms of gameplay, graphics, sound and story. At first it might seem to be a bit less of things to do compared to SR2, but not for long since the game adds activities with story progression allowing you to divert your interest to the extras whenever you want, without making you do it (yes, the respect system which unlocked story missions is gone).

All in all this is a great game than anybody of egligable age should try, especially if you're a fan games that can be sarcastic and humorous.