What I think about Saints Row 3

User Rating: 8.5 | Saints Row: The Third PC
Saints Row 3 is probably one of the most awesome crime games I've ever played. Cool weaponry, crazy stunts, interesting story, badass gang members. I've played and finished the game for 9 hours. The game has awesome graphics and sound. Gameplay is also good. Everything you do has a reward in return. Specifically, cash and respect. The flip side is that everything has been less "gangsta" lately. Laser weaponry, giant gloves that turn your enemies into instant red sauce when you use them for punching, VTOLs? Really? I've been hearing that SR4 is going to take place in outer space. There are some parts that I would think to myself: "Where the heck did this come from? What game am I even playing?".

Graphics- The characters look true to life. Vehicles are shiny. They look good especially when customized in the body shop.
Sound- Music and sound effects are good. Unlike in games like GTA, the sound of gunshots and explosions don't sound like two sticks struck together.
Replay- There are lots of reasons to play the game after finishing the story. Achievements, side missions, and having fun with hi-tech weapons on pedestrians, cops and rival gang members(if you hadn't took over all of Steelport).
Overall- The game is awesome except for the nonsense parts(like the missions after you kill Cyrus or save Shaundi and Viola) but the crazy, out of this world weapons could be useful if you are pissed off and had a bad day and you just want to destroy stuff and kill people. You do it here with a VTOL that shoots lasers or a mobile vacuum cleaner with a cannon that hurls people that you have sucked in at anyone, anywhere and anything you like.