This one is best Stalker so far and its worth to play!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat PC
Best Stalker series so far. The game is worth to buy and it has all the most important things. Tho there are a few bugs like in all of the stalker series. The only thing i would add in this game are more items. Suits, Weapons , Artifact more more more.... Thant makes the game interesting. The upgrade's are cool but it would be nice to have different types all most all weapons and armors have same crap add this add that, well its cool but a different thing per item would make it even better to play! The only thing that i think is a bit of dissapointment is that your a free stalker for life! I mean come on, why can i join a faction and get some extra stuff from them? The fact that you cant join one makes it a bit sad but hell you can live with it. Thanks for one more great game! Buy buy buy it!