Excellent game with unrivalled lastability.

User Rating: 9 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
Graphics are among the best in the ds, beautifully handrawn backgrounds and potraits. Breath taking anime intro. Character model however are pretty dam ugly.

Sound is reasonably good, matches the mood and creates the atmosphere of the game. Does a great job in bringing you back to an imaginary era of the dark ages.

Gameplay is very addictive, i couldn't put the ds down for 6 hrs when i first played it. Uses two cores for its gameplay; rpg elements like secret of mana and harvest moon farming. A suprisingly fluid mix.

Characters are colourful and each have their own unique personality. Get to know them, befriend them and even marry one of the girls. The plot could be more indepth.

Game is unrivalled in lastability. Graphics: 9.5
Sound: 8.1
Gameplay: 9.1
Value: 9.9
Story and Character plot: 8.5