Great Harvest Moon Game with the addition of a great battle system,odd yet similar monsters,and Heart-Pounding Bosses.

User Rating: 9.5 | Rune Factory: A Fantasy Harvest Moon DS
Wow...This game is my favorite Harvest Moon,I thought it was a really good idea on their part to mix one of my favorite series with my favorite genre.

This game is a Harvest Moon game all the way,you have the possible wives,a local mansion,a house expansion,crops, and the Harvest Festival in Fall.What this game was missing in Harvest Moon was made up for in RPG.Instead of befriending Harvest Sprites to do your work you befriend monsters to do your work, or you destroy them with your Hoe, whichever.
Magic was cool and the possible marriage choices were very expansive(I ended up marrying Melody) I find it odd there are only 6 days but I'm not complaining at all about this.

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