I can FINALLY make my own RPG!

User Rating: 8.7 | RPG Tsukuru 3 (PlayStation the Best) PS
Have you ever played an RPG and thought, “how stupid”, or “I could do better than that”? Well if you have (or even if you haven’t), RPG Maker is definetly the game for you. That’s right, just as the name implies you can finaly make your own RPG for Playstation. The game even comes with Anime Maker (which lets you create your own characters, monsters, and title screens), so the possibilites are endless.

The sound isn't anything special, but it works for most situations. The music, on the other hand, is downright sad. Say, you want to make a depressing, sad scene. Well, none of the music fits any sorrowful scenes, so if you DO pick any tunes, your death scenes will sound like Bozo the Clown's funeral. On the other hand, if you have a humorous game, the music is just right for you.

Creating the perfect RPG is by no means a quick and easy task. On the contrary, creating an excellent game may take well over one hundred hours. And lots and lots of patience. Finding the right blend of everything for the perfect game may be the most challenging process in a video game ever. Good luck!

The cool part about this game is that once you create your RPG to your satisfaction, you can save it to a memory card and actually play it through! You can even put your name in the end credits. And ya wana know the absolute icing on the cake? In the instructions, (and there are 2 books), it says that you're entitled to sell the work you create if you feel it's worth it. If you can find this game, get it, or at least rent it to see if you really like it. As I said, it's not for those who think it's easy to create a game, let alone an RPG.

Overall. This is THE game to get, if you want to make your own RPG. They are even making a PS2 version of it, with an overhead 3-d view, more options, and character choices. Now all they need to make is a Platformer Maker…