Fun game but not as good as the first one

User Rating: 7.8 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 PC
I liked the first on better because I guess it had more of an impact on me for making roller coasters. Then I playted that for so long and got this one but it was pretty much the same.

The gameplay on this game is pretty good, but it is aexactly the same as the last one. Just a little more scenary and a few more rides. It is still fun, I just think more should've been added. LIke make your own character or something. Im not saying that the gameplay is bad, it's just almost exactly like the last one. The few stuff that they add theough are kind of neat. The new parkks that you can choose from are really cool and look really nice with the cool scenary, such as you can now build on the Wall of China. In Roller Coaster Tycoon I liked how there was one level with no money and just flat land, but on this one there isn't. The one with no money is on a cliff and it makes it hard to build. The new roller coasters are nice, such as the dragon one. They are very cool and you can do a lot of stuff with them. The thing that I really liked and am glad that this is one of the few things that they changed is that the rides that you build arn't as intense as they were in the last Roller Coaster Tycoon. That makes it SO much easier to build a roller coaster.

The graphics on this game are good. The people kind of looom blurry and if you look at them close, they have 4 eyes. Literally, not glasses, they dont have glasses. They have 4 eyes, you dont even really have to look at it that close, but anyways, they are kind of blurry. The rides look well though and are pretty detailed.

The sound on this game is amazing. I couldn't find anything wrong in it! The chatter of the people, the booming roller coaster sound, and the music from the carosel all go well together in this game!

Overal, this game is pretty good but since Roller COaster Tycoon 3 is out now, you might want to get that. I havn't played it but it looks like there is A TON of new stuff in it that I and hopefully you would enjoy.