Finally, a RPG game that sucks you into the world!!

User Rating: 8 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
[ Introduction ]

I play a lot of RPG games ever since SNES to PSX to PS2. I've played almost all of them. One thing I really enjoy in RPG games is that they make you feel like you're in another world with an amazing epic adventure. Some games that make me feel this way are FFVI, FFIX, FFX, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Suikoden V, SMT: Persona 3. Basically, some of my all-time favorite games. Rogue Galaxy is one of those epic adventures that suck you into the world. It's been a long time since I play a game that make me feel like I'm truly in another world living in it. That's why I love this game.

[ Graphics ]

Simply amazing. All the scenes are really beautifully done. I really like the 3D anime style graphics. But Rogue Galaxy takes it to another level. The graphics is much better than SMT: Digital Devil Saga and Dragon Quest VIII even though they have the same style. Rogue Galaxy just has a much higher quality. Very beautiful.

It's really cool how when you change your weapon or cloth, they will include in the CGs.

[ Sound ]

So far I like it a lot. They all fit the situation and environment very well. Voice acting is very well done, too.

[ Gameplay ]

One of the reasons why I didn't play this game until now (December 2007!!) is because I'm not a fan of action RPG. I didn't like Kingdom Hearts series because of the action gameplay. However, after reading a lot of user reviews with very high ratings, I decided to try it out. And man, this is no usual action RPG, the gameplay is pretty well done. Yes, you get your slash, gun shot, jump slash and so on. But you can also use abilities like Flash Sword that makes your blade in Electric, Magical attacks, Multiple Slash Combos where you press 5 buttons to execute. Basically, there are a lot of variations in the action gameplay to make it much more fun than your usual action RPG.

[ Story ]

I know many people say that the story is very cliche. But I think with the great graphics, environment, humor, and cool characters (hot girls!! Kisala!!), the story actually turns out pretty fun and interesting. Most of all, the story gives you the EPIC feeling that you're in a whole new world which is really really exciting.

[ Conclusion ]

I think it's a great game for everyone. Even though it's a little hard at times that you die a lot. But that shouldn't be the reason to pass out on the amazing graphics, story, and experience of this amazing RPG. Rent it, try it out, if you like it, buy it!! Rogue Galaxy is truly a surprising great RPG.

ps: I enjoy it more than Final Fantasy XII XD

Add-On 2009.01.01:

Just wanna add that after I finish the game. It's not as great as I thought at first. The game got a bit too long and repetitive in the end. The story isn't very original, quite cliched actually. It was still fun but definitely does not deserve 9/10 which I gave before. More like 8/10 =3