Better cross the next week or so off your list. Why? Because this game is long, and fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Well, well, Rogue Galaxy. I actually came upon this game at a Hollywood Video. I knew nothing about it, never even heard about it, but I rented it and I'm glad I did. Well, I'll start with the looks. For the Playstation 2, it looks really good. I, personally, think the outlines are a little to bold, but, other then that, I have no problem. I also think it's amazing that on the PS2, you can have a complete planet to travel through, with NO load times. The only time you run into a load time is when a cutscene is loading, but that's reasonably quick. This game has followed Final Fantasy's footsteps, in the sense that, if you don't save, it's game over. This aspect, I do not care for. On to the combat. This game uses a pretty good system. It's real-time, which adds extra fun, which I'm always open to. The things you do in battle depends on the action gauge. Each action takes away a certain amount of the gauge. Once the action gauge runs out, you have to wait a couple seconds before you can do anything. For you who are used to one weapon, get ready. In Rogue Galaxy, you get a weapon, and a sub-weapon. You can even fuse weapons to make new, more powerful one. You can also make a weapon in the factory. Which is WAY to complicated. Each character has his or her own abilities, which you can get through a little thing called revelation. As you pick up items, (from enemies or chests) you can use them together to make a skill. Some items are more rare and hard to find then others, as are they're abilities. These abilities can really help you out in battle. The story is kind of goofy, at first. But it picks up a little ways in. Then it gets very interesting. But, if you really wanna skip it, you can always hit pause, then triangle, and skip cutscenes. Aside from the main story, there are things you can do, that are not in any way required. The factory being one, but once again, that's complicated. Insectron is another one. I haven't really tried it, but it's an event that pits people against eachother in a battle of over-sized insects. For a prize, I assume. Anyone Who likes RPG's, and doesn't have a PS3, or has just plain considered this game, should definitely rent, if not buy Rogue Galaxy, which I got for about $16.00. I give this game a 9.5/10.