The only thing that could make it better is Co-op!

User Rating: 9 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Rogue Galaxy, where do I begin?
I started playing Rogue Galaxy after beating the last of the Final Fantasy Series thinking it was going to be a complete duplicate of the Final Fantasy chain. Boy was I wrong! Rogue Galaxy dragged me into its amazing graphics, and its great action RPG gameplay. When Jaster Rogue stepped foot on the Dorgenark, I knew it was going to be a great game. All the different characters were so fit for the part! Lilika, the belligerent warrior from the Jungle Planet. Deego, the overly strapping cyborg dog. And my personal favorite, Jupis, the genius hacker who hacked into the Zerard Starship Factory and took over the city by controlling the robots of the factory. Usually, action RPGs like this one involves loads of button mashing. This game throws in different augmentations to accompany that button mashing, making it more entertaining and skill-based. The different weapons all the characters use is enjoyable and lets you test out your desirable attack strategy or just which one you think looks the coolest. Another aspect I think more games like this should incorporate is the directional arrow on the map showing you where to go. It was this reason why I could not get through the great game Star Ocean, I left for about a week, and when I got back into it, I had absolutely no idea where to go or what to do. In this game you will be sucked into the experience, and even if you do get up and out of your gaming seat, when you return for more you will jump right into the action again without any of that nonsense exploring around and talking to everyone in sight to see if they give you a hint as to where to head next. Overall, this game is absolutely stunning! Great cut scenes with great graphics and animations, amazing gameplay with challenging opponents, great characters and cities that temp you to explore around more than you normally would, and a plot that will keep you coming back for more.