If only it came sooner!

User Rating: 9.5 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Wow what a brilliant game. It's a shame it came so late to the PS2. But at the time it made me happy after....FFXII...

I love the freshness of it. It felt well made like they took their time to make it good. I love the fighting style. It was a great idea how each character has two different weapons each.

The characters are good with a nice amount of back story which I always like.
There's so much to do on this game, a nice varied amount of mini games to keep you happy if you ever get bored of the main. And for that reason I never got bored of the main game. I feel like playing this game again just writing about it, thats how much I liked it. And I'm a massive RPG player.
So if you're a RPG fan, forget about the xbox360 or PS3 game you're playing and go and buy this game and give it the love it deserves.