An RPG in which you travel around the galaxy in different adventures unfolding your destiny with a unique combat system.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
When you load up Rogue Galaxy you find yourself in a world of both modern and primitive themes guns and swords, skyscrapers and huts, and much more. This combination gives the game quite the diverse atmosphere which is quite unique. You play as a young man named Jaster Rogue who wishes nothing more than to travel the galaxy planet to planet. One day his town is attacked by a monster and with the help of a powerful and mysterious stranger you battle it. To finish it the stranger gives you a magnificent sword and then disappears without a trace, with the sword in hand you finish off the dangerous monster and save the town from peril.

Afterwards Jaster is approached by two people, Steve (a strange robot that reminds me of C3PO) and Simion (a odd little dude who you cannot tell is an alien or a human) these two have mistaken you for a legendary hunter that goes by the name "Desert Claw". They seem to think this due to the sword you were given and they wish for you to take on a job for them. Taking the opportunity to visit space and go on an adventure you join their band and leave the planet on the Dorgenark their ship. Now Jaster begins his dream, to travel the galaxy and find his destiny.

At first glace of Rogue Galaxy I though it was going to be generic, to my surprise the story was actually quite good with some cool character and nice character development. Although a solid storyline, the place I believe Rogue Galaxy stands out is gameplay where it involves some unique elements into its RPG gameplay. Most of the combat is slashing your sword, blasting your gun, or guarding from attacks but you also have a bunch of cool skills you can use.

Each character has a main weapon and a sub weapon that are very different in attacking usually one is short range and one is long range, this gives the characters a wide variety of attacks and weapon types to use. You play as Jaster in this action-based combat but you can also play as any of the other characters as you see fit but I love my main characters and almost always stuck with him. This strange and unique combat is quite fun and lets you change combat strategies often to fight different challenges that you face throughout the game.

In the very late PS2 era Rogue Galaxy looks very clean and well animated, cut scenes being "in-game" graphics provides a smooth transition between gameplay and story although doesn't have that amazing realistic look. The music is good and holds the feel of the many various environments you explore ranging from jungles to factorys, but none of the music in the game really stands out as great. The graphical and sound portion was all around good but neither did it excel impressing you somewhat "generic" which may explain why I had such a feeling about the game in the first place.

The combination of a fun and unique battle system involving multiple characters and a variety of weapons with a good solid storyline creates a great basis for the game. I would rate Rogue Galaxy a 8.3 out of 10 for being an all around good game that keeps you entertained and is truly fun. Although the game doesn't excel like the Final Fantasy series is known for doing it is very enjoyable and I would suggest any RPG fan to try it out because you will most likely enjoy it as well.