With an immersive story and fun gameplay, Rogue Galaxy keeps you playing it till the end.

User Rating: 9 | Rogue Galaxy PS2
Before this game I never heard of "Level 5", but now after playing one of their games I have to say they make great stuff. This game has a story that sucks you in from the start, and when it gets slow, that's when the gameplay and a few mini-games comes in to fill the void.

The hero of this story is Jaster from a desert planet called Rosa who wants to explore space. (hmm think they got inspiration for this character from a certain lightsaber wielding Jedi?) So then he gets the chance and you come along and watch his adventures. From realtime combat to battling in the insectron to fighting quarries this game has it where it counts. The rewards for the mini-games vary from useful items to alternate outfits. And the voice cast is decent not the best but passable. The music is good and fits in the right places. Graphics are beautiful from locations to character designs, and even right down to character expressions.

And now the criticisms, I'm not a big fan of random encounters. I'd like to have a choice to engage the monsters or not engage them. Not to be sucked into a battle and either fight or run away. And the frequency of them tends to get you tired of the battle system to the point where you're thinking "can we get to the destination already." And the learning curve is pretty high, when I was controlling Jaster alone I wound up dying 3 or 4 times in the beginning which of course can be frustrating to a beginner. But these are minor annoyances and can be overlooked compared to the over all gameplay experience.

Rogue Galaxy has become one of my favorite games, I'm glad to have it in my library. So if you looking for something to tide you over until FFXIII and you don't mind dated graphics (it's a 5 year old game after all), then look no further than Rogue Galaxy which will keep you entertained to the very end, and me personally I'm looking forward to the next Level 5 game White Knight Chronicles.