here is a game

User Rating: 10 | Rocksmith PS3
OK this is one of the best games ever oh and I meant to give this a 9.8 but that is not the point so i think that guitar hero vs rocksmith rocksmith would win I mean this has all strings because you hook up your real guitar and it has a tuner and mini games lots of them the selection of songs is amazing there is more than 100 to chose from and more to download and you can rehearse or perform there is more than one place to play in you can even choose you amp yeah your amp and some sound better or worse and in some songs your guitar will sound different than others like the black keys song but than again it will mess up your notes sometimes so if you know how to play guitar this is one of the best games for you but if you don't know how this will teach you more than a guitar teacher so my point is that this is AWESOME game so yeah that is just a short review and if you want to know more check out