An addictive, lengthy game with interesting geatures.

User Rating: 8.4 | Rocket: Robot on Wheels N64
you play the role of a robot on wheels in this game, you have to go around collecting tickets and coins. you are given clues to where tickets are hidden and you have to go and find them. finding the tickets and be very challenging and a lot of fun, this game will keep you occupied forever as it is impossible to get a 100% on this game. you ahve to collect colourful coins to get powerups and abilites and you have to unlock new levels which are all unique and a lot of fun. its a free roaming thing and you can collect the tickets at your own pace, there are many other things to do like roam around in vehicles you can find and find machine pieces and put them together and build rollercoasters and all kinds of cool stuff that will keep you occupied for ages at a time. this game can be hard and frustrating but its not that bad because there is no order to get the tickets in, you can get the hard ones first or the ones in the middle first, its entirely up to you. this game is uniquely done, its colourful, addictive and the music is very good aswell, you should get this game if you own a N64, this game will keep you occupied for long periods of time.