A Almost Unplayable Budget Title,Movie game.

User Rating: 1.5 | RoboCop PC
If you have ever seen the movie robocop then you know that it looks like it would make a good FPS game or maybe even a free roam crime action game. Would it work? probaly not. movie games are usually horrible and so are budget titles add that up and you get. most likely one of the worst games ever made.This is were robocop the game comes in. Released on the PC for the Eu and xbox for the US this game is almost unplayable. The bugs are amazing. Most of the time the game wont even start.

gameplay: even or a movie game this is uncalled for. all you do is shoot random things for no reason at all. There is absolutly no story and no reason to even play the game. Sound: Horrible voice acting and gun sounds. sound affects sound like something from the atari era of gaming. The only good thing about the sound is that the robocop effects sound pretty similiar to the movie to give a "realistic" feal to a horrible game.

Graphics: Graphics are what make this game get a 1.5. They are detailed for the time this game was released and are enjoyable to look at. except for the fact that it looks like your charcter is bigger than all the buildings are and there is no collision detection.

The Good: Ok Sound effects for robocop

The Bad: game Crashing Bugs

The Ugly: everything about this game is ugly.