GOTHIC 4 ANYONE? This game is excelently built,but is a perfect copy of the all known and beloved gothic seires..

User Rating: 10 | Risen PC
This game is excelently built,graphics and music were lovly crafted all good and well, only problem is after like an hour of playing i started getting a strong DEJAVU feeling....hey wtf? this looks familiiar...ive been here...ive done that...but its all how come...

the answer came soon enought...

this was Gothic copy,a new game,but its all here, the raw meat the cooking stuff,the bed and sleeping till morning ,evning options,the clubs swords etc the chopy combat,even those annoying birds were here hehe

oh well same of a good thing isnt bad, just wished people would start using their heads insted of simply copying everything they see.

Whats most staggering about this game is its sheer size.When ive started i thought that ill finish it in one day...i was amazed when i finally finished the first chapter.the realization that there are FOUR chapters...its quite a feat..if you love rpgs...this one will keep you amazed and bolted to your sit...amazing story..charcters...and game play..its paradise..