RON do what all game dont did yet: fulfill your game experience. Hours and hours of tireless, imersive gameplay.

User Rating: 10 | Rise of Nations PC
Like any strategy game, its learning curve take good time. But when you learn all the basics and familiarize with the game's reality, You'll fell sucked-in and won't want to stop so early.
Unlike most strategy games it have six resources : Food, timber, wealth, metal, oil and knowledge, that is particular different from the others cause can't be bought or sell. 18 real world nations, each one whit its own unique units, all they based on its country story.
The random generated maps create numerless match possibilities. You'll be every busy, ever doing something exciting. By doing researches, you'll be upgrading all kinds of things on your empire, since clothe's stuff to spacial project. Thru each match, all the mankind history will happened, all arranged on a incredible way, probably best then you may be thinking.
The efficient multiplayer system bring competitive matches. Rise of Nations is great in all way.