Heaven or Hell, this game is good. And you'd better buy it.

User Rating: 7.5 | Rhythm Tengoku Gold DS
Gameplay: Easy to grasp, once you play the tutorial, can become quite fun to play. You have about 4 minigames to complete, then you can go back to receive a medal if you did very good. Then you have a remix (basically, all four minigames in one) challenge, and if you complete it, can unlock some new games and new criteria.

Music: Not bad, could be improved, but other than that, very well done Nintendo.

Controlls: The game gives you a little tutorial at the start so you can grasp the basics (which can be skipped at any time, for those who don't need it). Then you play the minigame and it gives you a rating - and luckily a medal - and move on to the next minigame (if your score was OK or better).

Fun Stuff: You can use these *medals* you earn to unlock some rhythm toys and buy some other toys - like Kappa DJ, Business Card, and such and such - and even visit the Barisa Counter and get some *handy* tips.

Retail Price - Very Reasonable

Gameplay: 8
Music: 6
Controlls: 7.5
F*S: 8
Retail: 8

Grand Total

P.S. Just in case you were wondering, 144 x 96 = 13824