Will never fail to get your head nodding.

User Rating: 8.5 | Rhythm Tengoku Gold DS
My brother introduced me this game and it was because he wanted help in a certain "Glee Club" level. I was surprised that the simplest of interfaces will get me going or rather nodding to the beat of Rhythm Heaven.

Rhythm Heaven is a series of musical mini-games which tests your ability to follow, listen and groove to the beat of the music in a certain game. When I first saw the game, the interface reminded me of Wario. It looks so simple compare to the ever improving DS games to date. It is user-friendly, with a simple tap, instructions. Practice mode is given in every beginning of a mini-game. An innovation that I've noticed is the way the game is played. The DS is tilted sidewards for it to be played. (Vertically) Also if you're a left-handed person, it has a function to be tilted the other way to be able for you to use your left hand freely.

The mini-games to be played unlocks succeeding levels of mini-games to be played. At the end of each rhythmic game, you'll be given a rating of "Try Again", "Ok" or "Just Ok", and "Superb" and at a certain time or point in the game, you'll be given a chance to "Perfect" that mini-game. This game can be played by almost anyone who can tilt the DS vertically. The difficulty is just right, enough to measure how a person can groove to the beat, I suppose. (Clap..Clap.Clap.Hey!)