Perfect Music/Rhythm Game. Highly recommended for fans, and those new to the genre!

User Rating: 9.5 | Rhythm Tengoku Gold DS
Rhythm Heaven, as the title suggests, is a game where music rules it's universe. Failure to contribute to this heaven adequately will leave you crying somewhere in the corner with shame.

The production value once you start up the game unveils itself immediately even in the opening menu. The main logo pulses with the beat to an addicting swing-beat and you couldn't help but tap your foot to it. Each and every mini-game (including it's reincarnations) are all obvious given a lot of thought and time, and of course, the hilarious Japanese craze and flare.

One of my favorite mini-games features a monk who had been trained in the "arts" of gulping down whole eggs in a rhythmic fashion. I know, it sounds really weird, but "Rhythm Heaven" couldn't have gotten it more right!

That's another great thing about this game: Every single one of it's addicting games just feel... right. Whether you're in a choir club, building robots or widgets, or maybe playing table tennis in outer space, the music supplementing them integrate perfectly with the fast-paced chaos that ensues in the action, and of course, you'll be finding yourself singing the chorus of that one mini-game... or maybe humming the guitar chords from another.
But one thing's for sure, there much fun to be had with this game.
The only thing that pisses me off in this game is the unenthusiastic "singing" of the English adaptions to a couple of songs that have lyrics in them.

Difficulty too hard for you? That's one of the other aspects that continue to draw me into the game! Difficulty is a very touchy issue in most rhythm games, but "Rhythm Heaven" applies an "easy to learn, difficult to master" type of game play that encourages you to practice more and more (and having fun while doing it) in order to perfect your rhythm heavenliness! I love music games; play them all the time and achieve a constant stream of win from every one of them, but this little DS cart even made me question my own caliber!

In short, there's nothing wrong with the difficulty, and the shear simplicity and addictive value it presents keeps you going even after you've beaten the game.

Game play: 10/10

Graphics: 9/10

Sound: 10/10

Lasting appeal: 9/10

TOTAL: 9.5/10 = Buy this game.