Bored of WoW, pushing the envelope!

User Rating: 9 | RF Online PC
I did not play TBC, because by the time it was released I was utterly bored with WOW, gave up twice and only came back when my ex wanted more. 6 x 60 and WOW basically loses the solo ability, you have to do everything in a large guild, and even just loses the flavour and becomes monotonous..but isn't that what you would expect from a mmporpg.

For some reason RF online has a low score which is a surprise, because its an awesome game, I have some problems with it...

I can definitely see developers carrying the new techniques and ideas forward, which is how our games evolve anyway. That said there are some irritating quirks that could have been fixed, or could have taken advantage of evolution... but certainly these are minor quirks, and do not harm the game play.

This game not only evolves it pushes the boundaries, tries new things..but it actually still functions within the story line created.

I keep hearing no story line as a reason for poor scores, but where does story line come in when you talking about uber pvp, race pvp, 3 factions competing as a whole race team against another faction, hidden alliances, and trators playing within, spies, giving up intelligence, scouting ahead, using massive strategy, such co-ordination.

I'm bored...cause thats what happens with mmporpgs, but its still a good game.

Team or Solo. Innovation

Flashy cool looking armour, flashy cool looking moves, live the dream of walking about in a massive hulk of armour - MAU or become and blades, flashy manouvres