The only good part of the game is pvp and the only reason WoW players put it down is because it just pails in comparison

User Rating: 6.6 | RF Online PC
This game is alright. Not bad but not Spectacular. IF you havent played WoW then play it if you have then move on, and continue playing WoW. The reason WoW players put all other mmorpgs down is because the gameplay pails in comparison. You cant just go play WoW and then play EvE or RF, you will say..."Man this game sucks" because WoW has so much more depth and is more fun.

One thing I love about this game is the style of the characters. Very cool. Great music also.
The pvp is realy great but I just cant stand the quests. If they would have made the quests right this wouls have been a realy good game.