Free, fun (If you don't mind some grind), and it's something to do while waiting for the next game... *cough WAR *cough

User Rating: 7 | RF Online PC
Well, it's there, free, and a good time sink. If you like MMOs, but are too cheap or poor too buy one then GET THIS GAME.

It's no WoW, but at least it isn't MapleStory.

The basics are this:
-You have your elf type race (the Cora) Magic is what they are the best at.
-You got your Robot race, (Accretians) Warriors. Fighting is their thing.
-And finally you have the stand in for humans, (The Bellato Union)... Duh.

-You have the basic priest, warrior, range class, et cetera
-One cool thing is the specialist which eventually can pilot a gundam type thing

The games UI is pretty middle of the road, and the control scheme is just... well it feels a little off. The story is alright, but the game lacks the ever importantquest tracking. The gear is the basics. The higher your lvl the better the gear. The fighting is the same old same old, but the animations look good, and the graphics and sound a really good. It will probably take you about 15 minutes, maybe less, to get the controls, fighting, and communications right.

So, fun, free, and it ain't that bad. BUT, if you hate grinding then.. too bad :)
Not to say that the grind is redonkulous, but its a major part of gameplay (1/3)