Best version of this game. Cult Classic and I bought a XBOX360 just to play this game, call me crazy.

User Rating: 9.5 | Rez HD X360
Yes, this game is what tipped the scales for me to buy a XBOX360, and in fact I only had a handful of other games which I wanted to play for the 360, so this game was the lion's share of my reason to buy the system. So obviously I'm biased in favour of this game, but for good reason.

I found Rez through laborious research on Gamespot, particularly by searching for "cult classic" games. Rez is very simple, it's a rail shooter, but there is something to say about a game that does one thing and does it well. The music in this game is amazing, and it sounds great. I often find myself dancing in some way while playing this game. The visuals are breath-taking and reinforce my belief in the possibilities of wire-frame graphics. Add to that the new HD format and it's even better. It's a great showcase for HD graphics and sound.

The mechanics of the game are solid and the bosses are interesting and fun. It's all about eye-candy and the bosses have it.

Bottom line, this game is fun to play over and over. It takes about 90 mins to beat the game when you are decent at completing the stages. When you consider a cost of 10$ (800 Microsoft points) it's a crime. If you buy this game used online, get ready to spend at least 30$. Microsoft makes a great move here in my mind showing that they understand the value of bringing cult classics to their marketplace. Hats off to Microsoft on this one. If this is any sign of things to come for the online marketplace offering, you're looking at one happy camper.

Rez is one of my favourite games of all time. That's because it's fun to play over and over again. Most games don't last for long with me. Rez is unique.

One last note I'd make is that Rez HD in my opinion is a little easier than the PS2 version of the game. I achieved record scores on my first play-through on the HD version, and got a better ending than I usually do. I'd like to think this was just me having a great play, but I think it was the game being a bit easier. It's not enough difference to change my feeling on the game however. And by the way, you can save your entire play-through of the game to a file and watch it anytime in the future. What a great enhanced re-release of this cult classic.