
The Elder Scrolls Online Review

  • First Released Apr 4, 2014
  • PC

Uneasy alliance.

I look across the Alik'r desert from atop my steed. The arid ground below its hooves has been cracked by the sun's intense heat, and only husks are left where vegetation once thrived. I see a shrine in the distance signaling a friendly oasis, but it's lonely here, and I long to catch a ride on the hot breezes that blow past. It's a pensive moment, and I savor it, for I must believe that a grand adventure waits for me beyond that shrine, beyond the rocky plateaus that wall in this desert, beyond the Arabia-inspired dwellings that dot the sands.

The great wonder of The Elder Scrolls Online is that sights like these can inspire gleeful anticipation. Such grand vistas must harbor unknown secrets. Such vast landscapes must also have room for a story of your own crafting, a story you can share at the inn after a hard day's journey across deserts and mountains. The great disappointment of The Elder Scrolls Online is that many of these sights and sounds are weak facades that cannot hide how clumsily the game tries to join two disparate halves that cannot form a whole. One half, the single-player fantasy experience, does not provide the emergent adventuring for which the series is known, hobbled as it is by the online environment. The other half, a bog-standard massively multiplayer role-playing game, is hampered by The Elder Scrolls Online's tendency to punish you for playing with others.

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The Elder Scrolls Online goes out of its way to sell its peculiar coupling of incompatible parts, however. When you first load up the game and enter character creation, rhythmic strings and kettledrums crescendo until they are joined by French horns and virtual choristers. The famous Elder Scrolls theme begins to play, and you turn your attention to choosing a race from this famed fantasy universe, from the haughty High Elves to the feline Khajiit. Then you choose from one of four classes and begin to customize your character, using all sorts of sliders to make your fanged Orc dragonknight look as fearsome as possible, or to make your pale Nord sorcerer look so angelic that she might have floated down from the heavens. This is a great start. You feel the energy. You're ready to make a name for yourself on the continent of Tamriel.

Once you depart the introductory dungeon, the possibilities seem endless, at least at first. Daggerfall was the first major city I explored, and I roamed the streets taking on quests and chatting with the townsfolk. During dialogue, the camera closes in on your conversation partner just as it does in single-player Elder Scrolls games like Skyrim and Oblivion. Every line is spoken aloud, and conversations demand your input. The game wants you to pay attention, and at first, I eagerly listened. Amazingly, none of these people wanted me to go clear out a cellar full of rats, or murder 10 ladybugs. Instead, they wanted my help solving mysteries and activating golems built by the long-extinct Dwemer race. These were quests I could get behind.

The Bound Armor spell can make you look like a fearsome warrior even when you're wearing the flimsiest of clothing.
The Bound Armor spell can make you look like a fearsome warrior even when you're wearing the flimsiest of clothing.

Unfortunately, in leaving behind the usual questing cliches and focusing on lengthy conversations with non-player characters, The Elder Scrolls Online creates different kinds of problems. As you move from one place to the next, you hear the same few actors over and over again, which might not have been such a sin if their voices weren't so distinct and recognizable. Even if you've never heard Troy Baker's voice in another game, you'll soon come to know it in this one, given how many characters he plays. A great actor can disappear into a role, assuming the role is worth disappearing into. Alas, the game's creaky writing isn't about developing characters; it's about advancing plot and pouring volumes of lore into your head. There's no chance for an actor to build a character when dialogue is written in long, bone-dry sentences better put to paper than delivered from an actor's tongue.

You could levy the same criticism against previous Elder Scrolls games, of course, but such conversations weren't the crux of the prior games' storytelling. Instead, the greatest stories that emerged were the ones you created for yourself by taking advantage of the games' interlocking systems. The Elder Scrolls Online by its very nature limits the kind of fun you can make. You can't murder random shopkeepers and incur an entire village's wrath. You will never mourn for a trusted follower, such as Skyrim's Lydia, when he or she falls in battle, for there are no followers for hire. In theory, you can head off in whatever direction you choose, but enemy levels don't scale to your own, so the overall direction of your adventure is just as gated as in any other MMOG.

His words say
His words say "go away." So does his body language, for that matter.

And so you move through Tamriel in more or less the prescribed direction, trudging through one long-winded tale after another instead of conjuring one to call your own. Luckily, many of these tales are intriguing ones. During my travels, I stumbled upon a village with a terrible secret, and once I uncovered it, I was asked to determine whether I would lead the villagers to freedom, or insist they remain under a terrible curse. I led the Fighter's Guild to a renaissance after revealing a plot that threatened to undermine its power. My favorite moments were those in which I saw a story come to life rather than hearing it read to me from a script. I watched a former comrade morph into a terrible monstrosity and looked on as a brave young woman martyred herself for the greater good. In The Elder Scrolls Online, actions speak louder than words. It's too bad that the people of Tamriel would usually rather talk.

The usual kill-20-wolves quests might be uncommon in The Elder Scrolls Online, but the game ultimately finds its own themes to repeat. There always seems to be someone wrongly imprisoned in stocks. People never want to open their doors in the midst of an emergency. There's always a local leader being controlled by some cult or another. But even when you're tired of chatting it up with ghosts who always seem to be stuck in this plane of existence for some reason, the game tries so very hard to keep you in its thrall. There is no minimap to clutter your screen, only a full-screen map and a compass that identifies areas and objects of interest. Your six-slot action bar disappears when you aren't engaged in combat, and by default, players and non-player characters are not identified by floating names or icons. "This is not a game--this is a life," The Elder Scrolls Online seems to say. And when I'm combing a beach for treasure or facing a Daedric monstrosity, it's the only life I'm aware of. When you keep things simple, the game makes it easy to be in the moment.

The game's creaky writing isn't about developing characters; it's about advancing plot and pouring volumes of lore into your head.

Of course, such a life is only an illusion, and the game is intent on smashing that illusion to pieces at every turn. Many quest lines end with you making a decision that is then reflected in the world around you; for instance, you may choose to save one group of NPCs from a fire and sentence another to burn, thus leaving only one group for you to interact with later. As long as you keep to yourself, the illusion is complete, and the game's phasing technology has you seamlessly entering instances that reflect the path you followed. Join other players, however, and you tear off The Elder Scrolls Online's thin veil. You and a buddy might enter a region only to have your teammate turn invisible, leaving behind a wandering icon. You might initiate battle, only to discover that your friend doesn't see the same enemies and thus can't help fight them. I was so annoyed by such moments that I rallied others to my side only when I wanted to clear a dungeon or fight one of the elite monsters that pepper the landscape. The multiplayer half just doesn't play nicely with the single-player half.

The single-player half is hardly innocent in this family squabble, however. A quest that puts you in another character's sandals and sends you back in time to witness tragic events of the past is initially engaging. But seeing three other players standing there, all portraying the same character, kills the scene. Breaking into a house only to be surrounded by a half-dozen other would-be burglars destroys any hope of role-playing as a surreptitious thief. Witnessing a bunch of other people performing the same tasks is hardly a new phenomenon in MMOGs, but The Elder Scrolls Online's attempts to personalize the narrative progression make the immersion-breaking foibles all the more jarring.

In this quest, you must determine who to trust. Make the wrong decision, and you ally with the prince of domination.
In this quest, you must determine who to trust. Make the wrong decision, and you ally with the prince of domination.

That isn't to say that the game doesn't provide opportunities for players to come together, with four-player dungeons leading the way. It's easy to find a group and get into a dungeon once you've reached the appropriate level, and you can find success even if your party has an atypical assortment of classes. My first runthrough of the Tempest Island dungeon was with two other damage dealers and a healer, yet we fared rather well against the area's bosses, one of which kept us on the move as it dogged us with a roving lightning storm. I like this dungeon for the way its tropical marshes contrast with its wooden bridges and stone sanctums, and for the imposing atronachs you battle as you venture through it. I don't like the way a quest giver in the dungeon will walk away in the middle of dialogue because another player finished the conversation first, forcing me to reinitiate the exchange. Nor, for that matter, do I like every dungeons' overall tendency to create narrow choke points in high-action areas. (Hello, limited camera angles!) Maps don't always feel designed around how players actually use those spaces.

The action is fine, but it never crackles, in part due to the lifeless animations that make combat look more like a mundane chore than a dazzling display of magic and mayhem. Single-player Elder Scrolls combat has always been somewhat messy, but its real-time nature usually communicates a sense of blade against flesh. The Elder Scrolls Online combines the old-fashioned hotkey combat of games like World of Warcraft with the action-oriented swordplay of games like Tera, to mixed results. You target using an onscreen reticle (though you can get some assistance from your tab key), and you are limited mainly by your mana and stamina bars, not skill cooldowns. You can also block attacks and tumble, but this is not true action combat, so there is some buffer between your key presses and the actions you see onscreen.

I watched a former comrade morph into a terrible monstrosity and looked on as a brave young woman martyred herself for the greater good. In The Elder Scrolls Online, actions speak louder than words.

I did come to appreciate the ways of sorcery in spite of the dreary animations, especially once I reached level 15 and could equip a second set of weapons and skills. You can switch between sets during battle, Guild Wars 2 style, but The Elder Scrolls Online's combat is not nearly as snappy as Guild Wars 2's, nor does it offer many reasons to switch sets in the middle of combat. But I liked the variety of magic spells, using destructive staffs that offered a main elemental attack (fire, ice, or lightning), and restorative staffs that opened up healing options when fellow Daggerfall Alliance members needed a boost. I came to enjoy a spell called crystal fragments in particular, not just for the way the crystal formed in midair as I performed jazz-hands gestures, but also for the concussive thud it caused when impacting a spriggan's bark. The spell is particularly dramatic looking from a first-person perspective, though I typically played in third-person because it gave me a better view of my surroundings.

You aren't limited to any given type of weapon or armor, however, no matter which class you choose, and weapon types have various skills associated with them. There's a good deal of freedom in how you spend skill points, which you earn when you level up, complete particular quests, or collect enough of the skill shards scattered around Tamriel. You're limited to five active skills and a single ultimate ability per weapon set at a time, however, and as a result, I stuck with a limited number of skills and purchased many passive abilities out of fear that I would be an ineffective mage if I spread my points too thinly.

In The Elder Scrolls Online, you never truly escape the past.
In The Elder Scrolls Online, you never truly escape the past.

You don't have to stick to a particular set of crafting skills either, and you can always spend skill points in non-combat disciplines if you fancy yourself an artisan. It's tempting to dabble in every profession at first, but your inventory quickly fills when you hoard every potential crafting resource under the sun and moon. Inventory space upgrades are pricey, so it's best to choose a few professions and stick to them. Even better, you should craft items that you can personally use, unless you belong to a large and active guild or just feel confident in your ability to sell your wares over the game's public chat channels. The reason? The Elder Scrolls Online does not feature an auction house, which makes for a chaotic economy at best. You can sell your items to members of your guild, but the interface for buying and selling is clumsy, and without game-wide information regarding supply and demand, there's no sense of what a fair price may be. And so I crafted for myself and myself alone, eventually sticking with alchemy and enchantment--alchemy for the fun of experimenting with different flowers and herbs to see what poultices I could make, and enchantment for the sake of hearing my in-game avatar speak melodramatic incantations.

Such drama pales in comparison to the drama of The Elder Scrolls Online's player-versus-player battlefields, of course, which pit the game's three main factions against each other in the grand expanses of Cyrodiil. The PVP instances--or campaigns, as they're called here--focus on the siege warfare that Dark Age of Camelot introduced so many years ago, encouraging factions to infiltrate and capture each other's keeps.

Breaking into a house only to be surrounded by a half-dozen other would-be burglars destroys any hope of role-playing as a surreptitious thief.

Cyrodiil's expanses are so great, in fact, that it can take entirely too much time just to get to the action, even when making use of the PVP's quick-travel system. Luckily, The Elder Scrolls Online is at its best when the PVP action heats up, whether you and your comrades are setting up a line of defensive ballistae at the top of a keep's walls, or going for broke and charging a nearby farm protected by NPCs. It's here that I took to a healing role, using area-of-effect healing skills that allowed me to stay on the move and deal a little damage of my own without having to heal teammates individually. These massive battles are good fun, if somewhat handicapped by the core action's stiffness. The PVP campaigns' bigger handicaps are logistical ones. Just getting out of Cyrodiil and back to the relative peace of player versus environment can be time consuming, and the fact that you can't limit a group search to your own campaign is a drag.

Of course, such issues can be patched, as can The Elder Scrolls Online's other continuing troubles, a few too many broken quests chief among them. I'm less certain, however, that the single-player and multiplayer sides of this fantastical coin will ever complement each other. That's too bad, because when the stars align, I get that special tingle in my brain, the kind that heralds upcoming heroism in the face of danger. It happens when the soundtrack's solo cello climbs an arpeggio and then hangs there knowingly, just as I engage a group of harpies. It happens when I face a decision that has no clear right answer. Hopefully, The Elder Scrolls Online will one day get out of its own way, and stop trying to stifle the very fun it's trying to provide.

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The Good

  • Large, attractive vistas urge you to explore
  • Some intriguing quests get you involved in the world
  • When the action gets intense, the PVP is a blast

The Bad

  • Game's focus on individual story progression discourages grouping
  • Wooden dialogue and repetitive voice-overs can make questing a chore
  • Single-player and multiplayer aspects constantly clash, disrupting immersion

About the Author

Kevin VanOrd's first massively multiplayer game was the original Asheron's Call, and he still thinks that Asheron's Call 2 was an underpraised gem. He's played every Elder Scrolls game since Daggerfall, and having spent 90 hours of adventuring in The Elder Scrolls Online, he's ready to hang up his staff.

Other Takes on The Elder Scrolls Online

After pouring hundreds of hours into the Elder Scrolls franchise over the years, Shaun McInnis used The Elder Scrolls Online as an opportunity to finally take a shot at the MMO genre. With his Nord Dragonknight, Shaun made it to level 22 before beginning this review.
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Edited By hardin_voyager

Usually when a game is bad, people don't even loose time bashing it. They simple ignore it.

With so many people loosing time here to give their negative opinion, can be because they have affraid of peole leaving the mmo they play to come play eso.

That shouldn't be a problem for them, ESO is not for everyone! Many will hate it...

-- // --

ESO don't have story like Mass Effect, Xenoblade Chronicles or Morrowind main quest (Best SP game ever IMO).

But even as single player ESO is almost so good as Skyrim and clearly better than Oblivion.

Common this is a MMO and have better single player and better story(s) than 90% SP games outside.

-- // --

Althought, for me, having other people on game makes the game much more live. Yesterday I was doing a quest where we need to fire up some places or we would by cold and some people that I don't know from anywhere, helped me and I helped them.

On some other places i was about to die after aggroed 10 mobs by mistake and 1 or 2 guys come and saved me. I saved a lot of ppl lives already aswell.

Yes, this is a boring game for the ones that want everything fast, for the ones that want epics and mounts and raids in 1st or 2nd day.

But for people that like mmoRPG's with RPG in uppercase, this is the best one so far.

Good games guys!

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@hardin_voyager Very well said and true.

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Edited By CyberWookie72

@hardin_voyager I Don't mind subscription based games. I'm actually more for them, but I don't want to pay $15 a month for basically a single player experience! Oh and PVP just isn't my thing.

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Edited By Syndicalist


I don't mind a sub if the game is good.

ESO is not good though. It's trash. It's not even worth F2P.

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Edited By hardin_voyager


You and everyone are free to play for whatever you like. But ESO have a very nice multi-player aswell and adventure / raid content will be released soon on patch 1.1.

Let's see if it is good or not when that comes out.

For now people are having fun exploring this huge and awesome world, doing nice quests, group dungeons, PvP, and leveling their chars to max veteran rank, and only then they will be able to raid .... anyway.

Some people can think that is unfair you pay $15 on WoW that is a game that "forgot" since Wrath of lich king that a mmoRPG is also a RPG, and WoW single player is World of FarmCraft. There is no story, no decent quests, etc, etc.

The fact is that this reviewers bashed this game unfairly.

Btw Wildstar will also have molthly fee, and prolly will be the same $15 a month.

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Edited By ScottOakley

@hardin_voyager "Usually when a game is bad, people don't even loose time bashing it. They simple ignore it." The Elders Scrolls is a very HUGE name, if it sucks, a LOT of people will bash it. It's not about how bad a game is, it's about how well known a game is.

If the singleplayer is the best positive point in a MMO, then they have done something wrong. It's a massive MULTIPAYER online role playing game.

This game puts nothing new to the table, holds a lot of content behind so it can justify it's monthly payments, is riddled with more bugs than skyrim on release and only scores a 6 because of the fact it resembles the elders scrolls worlds we all so very love.

This game is just a quick cash grab. For example that mounts are very, very expensive yet mandatory for a good gaming experience. I really love the elders scrolls, I love playing MMORPG, I have enough money to spend but i'm just not going to waste my time playing this. The reason I comment is because I want people to know there are so many other good MMO out there that are free or come without a subscription fee.

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Edited By BurningUp99

@hardin_voyager Been playing since launch you don't know what you're talking about and neither does the guy talking about all the single player stuff. I group all the time in ESO not to mention you have to factor in the PVP. Yes you can solo a lot in ESO but you can group up if you want has the perfect mix.

Also it's not the same as other big MMO's so anyone that says that clearly hasn't played the game.

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Edited By Syndicalist

@BurningUp99 @jasonmzk

MMOs mostly get poor ratings, except the good ones like GW2.

This isn't 'nitpicking'. ESO lacks many of the basic functionalities of most PC-based MMORPGs. It lacks everything that makes the Elder Scrolls fun. It lacks everything that makes MMOs fun too.

This isn't nit-picking. ESO is horribly inferior to even most F2P MMOs out there. Even things like Neverwinter are better. You allow celebrity voice acting to cloud your judgment. Those voice overs are probably the only real reason you have to pay a sub!

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Edited By BurningUp99

@jasonmzk @BurningUp99 I'm like that because I don't think I've ever seen a game get such horrible coverage. I mean look at all the other MMO's that get great reviews and are given a pass on a multitude of things. This site just gave FFARR an 8 out of 10 on ps4. People that are on the fence about buying the game are not getting accurate's not just from this site but others as well. It's strange because there are things to nit pick about the game but it's those exact things that are always missed.

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Edited By trueepower44

@jasonmzk @BurningUp99

There is nothing wrong with the mult-player in ESO. It's exaggerated comments made by Kevin, as the reviewer of this game. Are there times when you run into others, yea of course, it's an MMO. Are there times when you make decisions that force you to go solo in quests? A few times, and those are relatively rare quests. Those quests are also "regular" quests not 4 player dungeon quests - which are not talked about much in this review by Kevin, and Gamespot. The fact that there is something wrong with the multi-player in ESO is an incorrect statement, and very exaggerated one.

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@BurningUp99 Does spamming the comments section make you any more right? And jabbing your fingers in everyone's face and calling them a liar doesn't help your case, it just makes you a vituperative guy that can't handle opposing opinions.

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Edited By PhilGinge

Bit of a disappointing review If I'm honest. Its seems overly negative and you don't really back up your negative comments in any great way. Take this line for example:

"Of course, such issues can be patched, as can The Elder Scrolls Online's other continuing troubles, a few too many broken quests chief among them."

Continuing Troubles??? How many is a few too many? I just reached lvl VR1 and only encountered 3 broken quests lvling from 1-50... all 3 of which were fixed within a day and I completed whilst still in that zone.. I have been very impressed with the speed in which any issues appear to be fixed.

I really like the balance of ESO, they story line 1-50 was great and I found myself worrying for the poor NPC's with decisions that I could make and the possible outcomes. So far I mainly played pretty much solo, but when I wanted to I went and did some dungeons in groups, then I killed world bosses in numbers. As a former WOW addict (Gave up at lvl 80 but back in the day had the Twin blades of Azzinoth... yeah i was addicted!) I love how ESO isnt a grind fest, the best way of getting experience in this game is through getting involved in the story line and lore and doing quests, whihc for me have all felt quite unique and I love all the little side stories. Its far more fun then sitting in a field for 5 hours killing the same mobs in the same way..

I have only played a few hours of PVP at the moment but it seemed MASSIVE! Was really impressed with it.

I was worried that once I completed the main story line and hit VR1 it would all get a bit repetitive, I was wrong! VR ranks are even better, the quests are challenging and exploring new areas doesn't get old, the crafting is great and feels more important at this sort of level as it takes the same amount of time to complete 1 VR rank as it would say get from 1-15. I feel like I want to craft my own Gear and upgrade items as I know I will be using them for some time.

The game is not perfect, but its pretty damn good fun. Its the first game i have played in ages that has me looking forward to getting home to play. 5 hours and counting...

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The game is extremely mediocre though. Does it ever occur to you that most people don't enjoy a game that takes 90+ hours of play to become fun? I can play Dark Souls 2 for 90 hours, and I'll enjoy all 90 hours of that time.

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@Syndicalist @philginge Who said it Takes 90+ Hours to become fun ??? I enjoyed it from the start but I'm enjoying it more as time goes on... Im now VR4 with over 200 hours played and still really enjoying it, I am not even 50% way through the quest content.... compare that to your F2P games that are so vastly superior in every way.. YAWN !

You don't like ESO and love Darksouls 2.. we get it. we understand. you dont need to reply to every single post on here! get a grip man! get a grip!!!!

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Edited By BurningUp99

@philginge He says in his review he didn't see a need to use the the 2 weapon set skill system that clearly shows he doesn't understand the game and he didn't get to a very high level. He also spent hardly any time at all crafting. There's a ton of problems with this review especially from the site that gave Warhammer Online, SWTOR, and other games great reviews.

These guys don't play the game enough to give a real review...Warhammer Online had broken end game but these guys played it for 4 hours and deemed it a great MMO. Honestly I never use any of these sites when it comes to deciding what games I buy. I read their previews...that's about it.

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Edited By WolfgarTheQuiet

Have not played MMO since Age Of Conan came out. Played since release for 6 months, then due to time stopped. Was looking to get into MMO again but this didnt do it for me.

Funny enough i installed AOC last night, its updating now so im back to that, they had a long time to iron it out haha.

Good read tho.

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Pretty much any PC-based MMORPG is better than this trashy console-based nonsense.

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Edited By dem0sth3nes

Excellent review. I always enjoy Kevin's writing style.

I do not feel smug over the fact the game is not faring well critically, but just disappointment at what appears to be huge waste of time, money, and potential due to poor execution and implementation.

I am actually more amused by the comment section and have to say:

1) A fifteen dollars subscription fee may be argued as chump change by some (a week's beer money), but fifteen dollars wasted is still fifteen dollars wasted. It's not the quantity; it's the principle. There is no point spending money on a game one will not enjoy; why not donate that fifteen dollars to a charity? Or grab that beer?

2) The fanboys on this page are only doing ESO a disservice in representing the ESO community. By calling everyone who disagrees with your opinion "haters" and accusing them of lying, it makes me wonder what kind of online community ESO must have if its most ardent supporters are rude, narrow-minded fanatics. Not the kind of community I want to join. Scary fact: sometimes people have different opinions than you. Deal with it.

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@dem0sth3nes I love the Elder Scrolls series and, like you, am feeling disappointed over the reviews. I will be honest in that I was skeptical from the beginning. When I think of the Elder Scrolls, I think of an immersing single-player game. This was a big risk and I guess we can give credit to the developers for taking such a risk.

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They don't deserve credit for shamelessly milking the Elder Scrolls name with a third-rate MMO which can't even compare to any of the countless F2P MMOs out there.

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@dem0sth3nes Kevin saying things like "I found like I had no reason to weapon swap", "I didn't want to put points into skills because I was afraid to gimp myself".

Those are comments made by someone who clearly doesn't have a very good idea of the games skills, character customization, and overall game play (at least to the full extent). Kevin is a reviewer I respect, but clearly he was way off when he reviewed this game. I don't even know what my final score will be for sure at this point, however a 6.0 is way too low for this game regardless.

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@trueepower44 @dem0sth3nes Couldn't agree more!! Weapon swapping is brilliant! I'm swapping from 2H DPS to 1H shield and tanking during a fight, its bloody great!! the build potentials in this game hurt my head! its VAST !!! Clearly to complex for little old Kevin. I think I will be sticking to IGN reviews from now on.... If I had listened to Kevin I would have missed thi fantastic game!

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Edited By BurningUp99

@dem0sth3nes That's because they are haters and they are liars. When people say things that aren't true about ESO then they are doing the disservice...not the people that are calling them out. Why would you want to defend people that are dishonest? Why don't you ever listen to people that actually own the game and play it? This game has an awesome really does. The haters are the people that don't even own the game for the most part.

Example #1 - A guy not too long ago on here tried to say that that the world is empty and no one is playing the game. Really? You really believe that? You're going to defend a troll like that?

You're trying to make a case for trolls and people that don't even own the game. This is where you fail.

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@BurningUp99 As "Voltaire" once said, "I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Do I have to own Mindjack to believe I will dislike the game? Do I have to watch Gigli to know that I will most likely find it a shallow and terrible movie? I hope not. Look, I think some of the "haters" are just as passionate as you are, and the backlash is fierce due to the fact that ES is their beloved franchise as well. They are angry and disappointed. Let them have their say. I doubt one comment on this thread will convince anyone to not buy the game. Your insulting and pugilistic attitude might though.

P.S. I believe the person used the term underpopulated, not empty. Highly likely based on time of day, but who cares? People who enjoy ESO will enjoy it all the same. A game is able to defend itself based on its own merits...after all, it does have them.

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I wanted ESO to succeed. I played 50 hours approx and honestly, I did not have any fun whatsoever. The idea of playing more of it seemed like a total chore. Extremely limited controls, interface and build-options. I've had more fun playing F2Ps. ESO cannot compare to games like GW2, WoW or any number of others. Fanboys say 'problems will be patched'. NO, BUGS will be patched. Bugs are not the central issue with this game though. The biggest problem ESO suffers is it's own contradictory nature, and it's own utter lack of innovation.

It is a third-rate MMO which cannot even compete with other third-rate F2P MMOs.

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Edited By dem0sth3nes

@bfeinberg @dem0sth3nes @BurningUp99

Because it bears the Elder Scrolls name, was not developed by Bethesda, and had the perhaps unfair reputation of being a cash-cow scheme (although the Imperial Edition nonsense did not help). The closest analogy I can draw is Disney's revamp/continuation of Star Wars. I am sure there will be SW fans who want the reboot to fail, just as there will be others who won't. Same with ES. It is a very polarizing game. (Or people just like to say I-told-you-so).

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@dem0sth3nes @BurningUp99 A fair response on both sides. It is nice to actually talk with people that can see both sides of the coin.

My problem is with people that say they want the game to fail and are actually cheering it to fail. Why? What purpose does it serve? Those are the people I find have no purpose in life.

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1. You're going under the assumption that the game is bad. This game most certainly is not. It all depends on the player. I, for one, would rate it much higher. The gripes that I have with the game are far exceeded by the excellent design in other aspects. To assume that Kevin's opinion represents some sort of definitive truth is not true. If you gave the game a chance, you may like it (your comment didn't specify whether you've played it or not)

2. These are just passionate people. They love "their" game and are annoyed when people who're paid to critique games don't do so as they'd expect them to. It happens with every single game, so don't say that it's a disservice to the ESO community because this is a much more global issue. I, however, don't really mind because a lot of the issues that the reviews seem to have with the game I either don't have, will be resolved in the near future, or are of personal opinion, which shouldn't really be in an objective review, anyway.

Kevin reminds me a little bit of Roger Ebert. The man has been doing this for a long time and seemingly has lost his love and passion for the industry. What's left is his bitter nitpicks of insignificant issues. He's been a little too pessimistic for me the last little while.

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@jobo52 @dem0sth3nes

1) Yes; the problem with video game reviews is that as objective as we try to be, reviewing any game carries a factor of subjectivity due to that factor we call enjoyment. So I cannot say I find the game bad, but I can cay I find it bad FOR ME (based on beta and reading a wide array of reviews). I do not own the game, because based on my knowledge of my own preferences, I cannot justify the purchase as I know I will not enjoy it. Yes, I know people will say beta does not count, but I am not talking about tiny technical details that were fixed. ESO and I simply had no chemistry. I am sure other people felt this way and likewise do not want to spend the money to see if the game will change their mind when it most likely will not. However, I understand how other people find the game good FOR THEM. All power to them, and I hope more people come to enjoy the game as it is polished.

2) I don't mind constructive criticism of the reviewer. However, blindly attacking anyone who posts anything that is dissent goes beyond the allowances of passion. I did not find Kevin's points all bitter nitpicks (although the part on finding other players present during his quest immersion breaking was cringe-worthy, but I think the point ties back to ESO's identity crisis, and the fact that it cannot effectively emulate the SRPG mechanics it borrows in the MMO genre). I felt he had valid arguments on the lackluster quests, and subpar grouping system. It was ridiculously difficult to complete anything as a group, and frankly, MMO's major advantage over SRPG is the grouping ability. I am glad there will be fixes, but reviews cannot be on a game's future potential, but as they stand.

Hopefully TES6 will revitalize both Kevin and all us fans' passion and love for the industry, because so far, there have not been too many excellent games.

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@freedomzealot Another hater that has absolutely no idea what the heck they're talking about. The game is different from WoW in quite a number of ways. You're just another free-to-play pay2win fanboy that knows nothing about ESO.

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Edited By sblazed

@freedomzealot cashgrab lol? cashgrab are simplistic mmos or games with no real polish, innovations and budget. This game is polished in all regards even for a launch.

There's no doubt that blizzard gave some pot-de-vins around including gamespot because gaming is business, moreso when you're milking a game like wow.

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Edited By bfeinberg

@freedomzealot I don't know, maybe because it was made by some of the same team-members. Maybe because it has the same sort of PVP model? Maybe you should learn more about the games you are talking about before you troll.

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This is NOTHING like a WoW clone.

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I have commented on 3 different occasions on how much I am enjoying ESO and my comments keep getting deleted every time, not quite sure what's going on but it seems a little suspect.

I have played pretty much every mmo since the first Everquest, I even played a little UO back in the day.

From my own experience ESO is the most satisfying mmo I have ever played. Every other mmo I have ever played felt like I was working a second job. ESO is the first mmo I have actually had fun playing since the first year WoW was released.

I'm not sure what all the crying is about, maybe it's just this generation of kids, but the game is great and if you are put off by the monthly fee of a measly $15, then your priorities really shouldn't involve playing video games in general.

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Edited By dkl322

@TronX Came here to read reviews but like the comments much more. TronX, love your quote....I have played every MMO out there, and despite having no fun (in fact the experience is so bad it feels like work!) I continue to play them. Maybe you should find a genre of game to play if your experiences have been so bad. Lol!

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Edited By hardin_voyager

@dkl322 @TronX

I think TronX actually said "ESO is the first mmo I have actually had fun playing since the first year WoW was released.", so I think he found the game where he have fun.

I'm having a lot of fun aswell. Hope we both have fun on this game for some time.

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@TronX Apparently the tons and tons of people that are loving this game are all wrong because of a couple pessimistic reviewers on the internet that really didn't even play the game that much.

This is easily one of the best MMO's ever it's just not perfect and I'd be the first to say that. There's definitely some annoying little things. Still a great game though you're an idiot if you just listen to these negative reviews without trying it first. Keep in mind people like me have way MORE time put into the game than a reviewer like this one.

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@BurningUp99 @TronX

Basically the reviewrs want games that can review in 50 hours, because many are already tired of games. Having a game that take 100+ hours to get lv50 and maybe same time to get veteran rank 10, with some bugs (that always happens in big games) is too much for them, so let's bash it.

I'm loving every hour spent in ESO.

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@TronX ESO is the best MMO on the market right now, and it is similar to DAOC in many ways.

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Edited By Newhopes

@TronX Tried it found the game incredibly dull and boring after a few hours.

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@Newhopes @TronX Don't worry, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Some are just better than others. In your case, you might want to get a refund.

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@TronX What does the swordplay feel like? I've read that it feels pretty much the same as it does in Skyrim? Like you are hitting nothing but air?

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Edited By Toxicsix

In Beta the melee combat felt thin, but they have improved the feel of impact. Do keep in mind you can miss the hit box and then you will feel like your hitting air.

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@TronX Same thing is happening to me.

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I support this message! Best MMO available to date.

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Edited By izini

@freedomzealot This is the the spiritual successor to DAoC and should be compared to that not WoW. This game can't really be compared to WoW, but it sounds like you know little about all 3 games.

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@freedomzealot sorry but you're wrong, if this was anything like WoW I wouldn't touch it.

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Why does my well-articulated, completely 'G' rated comment keep getting deleted Gamespot? This has happened before. Adjust your filters, this screening is getting ridiculous.

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Inaccurate, not objective, and bias review, one of the worst reviews I've ever read period. There is not a better MMO on the market right now.

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