
BioShock Infinite Review

  • First Released Mar 25, 2013
  • X360

BioShock Infinite is a stupendous game, portraying a beautiful and broken city that will absorb your every waking thought.

What drives a man of God to wash away the sins of his past, only to blacken his heart with a multitude more? How far can a freedom fighter be pushed before virtue and righteousness are replaced by a lust for vengeance? What does a privileged society do when the foundation of its prosperity is shaken? BioShock Infinite dares to explore these heady themes and many more, giving you glimpses at just how the seemingly smallest of decisions can forever alter our realities, and our hearts. As an agent provocateur in the fantastical floating city of Columbia, your actions bring turmoil and strife to an ostensibly idyllic landscape. It's immensely fun to stir up trouble, and even more engaging to see how boldly BioShock Infinite portrays a society torn asunder. You'll be haunted by this thematically devastating adventure, and indeed, its phenomenal final minutes, which are bound to be discussed and dissected for some time to come.

It starts with a lighthouse. As former private investigator Booker DeWitt, you enter this lighthouse knowing that you have been hired to retrieve "the girl"--but who this girl is, and who hired Booker, remain a mystery, if not to Booker, than at least to you. At the top of that lighthouse is a chair, and once strapped into it, Booker is fired into the stratosphere, toward the city in the sky called Columbia. And what a fitting name for this hyper-American domain of 1912, which incorporates the classical architecture of the 1893 Columbian Exposition. The red, white, and blue Columbian flag flies from spires across the city, and statuaries and bas-relief panels immediately evoke the sense of old America.

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The buildings of that 1893 exposition were part of an area known as The White City, and here, too, Columbia lives up to the name of its inspiration--not just in the whiteness of its buildings, but in the whiteness of its racial structure. At a key early moment, you confront the festering illness corrupting this porcelain-white culture, where anyone whose skin is not the ideal color is ostracized and enslaved. You also confront one of BioShock Infinite's many core mysteries: What is the nature of the brand on Booker's hand? In Columbia, the brand is a mark of the false shepherd, this culture's version of the Christian Antichrist and the 666 that marks him. Identified as a prophesied fiend, Booker has no choice but to run.

Then shall the lame man leap as a hart.
Then shall the lame man leap as a hart.

Columbia is a tremendous place to be, the all-American dream-turned-nightmare crossed with steampunk sensibilities. Nationalist propaganda is mixed with airships and mechanical combatants, and the moving picture machines you occasionally use elaborate on the history of Columbia, which seceded from an America that just wasn't American enough. The leader of this city is Father Comstock, a self-proclaimed prophet and religious zealot whose likeness and influence pervade the game. What Andrew Ryan was to Rapture, Comstock is to Columbia; he is a frightfully well-meaning man who believes so strongly in his own damaged philosophies that you can only fear him. His worshipers are just as fearsome in their blind willingness to follow their leader, even when the costs are high. In BioShock Infinite, religious and political fervor intertwine, much as they do in real life, and these similarities could fill you with dread and unease.

You eventually find "the girl." She is the supernaturally talented Elizabeth, locked in a floating tower and protected by a monstrous clockwork creature called Songbird. Your first confrontation with Songbird is one of many eye-opening scenes, and Elizabeth's relationship with her protector is a complicated one. So is her relationship with Booker, for that matter, though he is key to Elizabeth's escape from her solitary life, and to the city of her dreams: Paris.

And so the two go on the run, alternately exploring Columbia's private nooks and allying with a resistance force called the Vox Populi, not out of politics, but out of necessity. Columbia isn't as hushed and mysterious as Rapture, but exploring it is no less tense. You are a witness to (and a participant in) an imploding social order, and as the story darkens, so too do the places you investigate. Sunny blue skies and perfect manmade beaches give way to burning streets and ghostly memorials. When the narrative has you questioning the nature of reality, the surreality of the environments reflects your confusion. So, too, does the soundscape metamorphose. The concordant harmonies of a hymn of praise take a sour and ominous turn as the more disturbing qualities of Columbia's unerring faith emerge.

A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

Your confusion is appeased by audio recordings you discover called voxophones, which serve as personal diaries to past events. There are clues here to the nature of Elizabeth's gift: her ability to open tears in spacetime and peer into…the future? The past? Other dimensions? Voxophones also elaborate on Columbia's most important citizens, such as Comstock's troubled, martyred wife, whose story illuminates the desperate lengths to which her husband stooped to ensure that his message might be heard in perpetuum. They even provide a few touches of humor, as do other atmospheric audio audio details; alternate versions of well-known tunes could have you grinning once you pick your jaw up off the floor.

BioShock Infinite is a first-person shooter, but you aren't armed just with machine guns, pistols, shotguns, and the like; you also have vigors. Vigors, like the original BioShock's plasmids, are seemingly magical powers that you can fling at your enemies. Thus, you can weaken your enemies by zapping them with a bolt of electricity or by charging into them at impossible speed. Try distracting them with a murder of crows before gunning them down with your carbine, or flinging them over the edge of a walkway with a shock wave and watching them plummet to their deaths. You may even combine these powers, perhaps setting a foe on fire and then charging into him for an explosive finish.

While many of your foes are of the gun-wielding human variety, the most notable of them have thematic ties to the world they inhabit. Plodding George Washington automatons threaten you with their chainguns, and the best way to bring them down is to aim at the gears that protrude from their backs. The way Columbian flags are draped behind these grotesqueries makes them look like dead-eyed angels of death, a perfect metaphor for the city's faith-driven nationalism. Surprisingly agile mechanical heavies may not be such obvious metaphors, but are more subtle reminders of the the men bound by these skeletons of metal and the factory owner unmoved by his slaves' pleas for a better life. You often face these enemies in outdoor arenas that have you on the move in ways the first two BioShock games never required.

Such battlegrounds are given life by the Skyline railway system that winds through and around them. With the press of a button, you can latch onto a rail with an implement that functions as both a melee weapon and a Skyline hook. Enemies come at you from above and below, and sometimes even from airships that float into range, forcing you to grind the rails to get to higher ground, make a quick escape, or close the distance between you and a pesky sniper. You can leap from a rail and onto one of Comstock's faithful, skewering him before leaping back onto the Skyline and landing on the deck of an airship crowded with soldiers. It's rewarding to fling fire and blast enemies with shotguns as you zip about the hovering platforms, as if you are a vicious circus acrobat performing a murderous trapeze act.

Elizabeth is usually at your side throughout such acrobatics, staying out of combat proper while offering you support. She occasionally tosses a health pack your way, or some salts, which power your vigors in the way EVE powered BioShock's plasmids. As far as AI companions go, she's a fine one, rarely getting in the way, running ahead to indicate the proper direction, and unlocking doors and safes with the lockpicks you find scattered about. Things can still go a bit awry: Elizabeth might not make it into an elevator with you, for instance, leaving you to have a scripted, one-sided conversation. But such discrepancies are rare, and little touches, such as how Elizabeth exhibits curiosity in the world around her, tend to overshadow them.

Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword.
Such as are for death, to death; and such as are for the sword, to the sword.

Elizabeth has one other important role to play: by accessing tears in spacetime, she can pull helpful objects into the battlefield, such as hovering security turrets, boxes of health packs, ledges with hooks to leap onto, and so forth. Such objects appear in the environment as if covered with television static, and you bring them into being by holding a button. This system is a contrived handling of one of the game's important narrative conceits, an intriguing element awkwardly translated into gameplay. Yet these tears also give battles an extra sense of unpredictability, or provide important defensive elements when you most need them. That isn't to say that BioShock Infinite is punishing: when you die, Elizabeth revives you, remaining enemies gain a little health back, and you lose a little coin from your pocket.

The combat does exhibit a wonderful sense of growth, however. You find various clothing items that grant you additional passive buffs, such as turning enemies you leap on into human torches. You spend the coins you pilfer from corpses and cash registers on vigor and weapon upgrades, though you ultimately must pick and choose the direction you prefer, since you can't afford every possibility. Should you run out of ammo and use a weapon you haven't upgraded, the difference is notable: suddenly you're facing a challenge you may not have expected. The final combat sequence gets frustrating should you be pushed into using weaker weaponry; it's the only battle in which BioShock Infinite's stellar gameplay doesn't come together. Fortunately, the astounding narrative payoff is more than a proper reward for triumphing over this visually remarkable assault.

Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry.
Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry.

BioShock Infinite's combat is more freewheeling and fun than in the other games in the series, but its world is no less intriguing to explore. Secret codes yearn to be broken, and exquisitely crafted gardens and museums cry out for greater scrutiny. This is a game just as much about "place" as it is about "play," and audiovisual touches invoke nostalgia for the original BioShock in effective ways. There's that telltale mechanical tinkling of the vending machines that sell ammo and upgrades. There's the lure of loot, inspiring you to plunder every trash can and every lifeless body. Then there are the old-timey videos introducing each vigor, the sound scratching as if played on an ancient phonograph. Each element draws you further into Columbia--this place so unlike any other you've seen in games that you can't tear yourself away. And a place that so horrifyingly mirrors parts of our own reality that you could never call BioShock Infinite escapist entertainment.

BioShock Infinite could make you feel uncomfortable. If you adhere to religious faith, or celebrate American idealism, this game may invite introspection or even anger. BioShock Infinite isn't afraid to magnify the way religious and racial extremism inform our culture and change lives. It isn't afraid to depict a less-than-holy trinity diseased by power, deception, and manipulation. As the story circles back on itself, you're left wondering whether redemption cleanses us of our atrocities, or simply invites us to commit greater ones. Once the finale comes, you will want to play again, watching each event and image through the lens of information you can never un-know. BioShock Infinite is more than just a quality game: it's an important one.

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The Good

  • Columbia is an amazing place to be and explore
  • Depicts uncomfortable, relevant themes in an effective way
  • Vigors and skyline rails make for fluid, exciting action
  • Upgrades make you feel increasingly powerful
  • Mind-blowing ending that you won't soon forget

The Bad

  • Occasional quirks and contrivances disrupt the immersion

About the Author

Kevin VanOrd is a lifelong RPG lover and violin player. When he isn't busy building PCs and composing symphonies, he watches American Dad reruns with his fat cat, Ollie.

Other Takes on BioShock Infinite

The original BioShock is one of Tom's favorite games ever. He will most likely love any game that tells a fascinating story and uses the mechanics to build on those themes.
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Am I the only one who is bothered by the majority of these comments saying they've beaten the game already? I'm not going to shy away from it, but if the game is so short you can beat it in a sitting, I hardly think it's worth top dollar. The original Bio wasn't supremely long, but it was at least close to 20 hours if you did everything. I've read people saying it takes less than 10.

This is especially irksome when we're talking about a game without any multiplayer. I'm not saying I want there to be MP, but if you're going to make a solo campaign exclusively, it better have some length to it. That being said, it probably is a great story and world, but with no real replayability beyond future DLC (I freaking love this system...said no one ever...) it says something to me about linearity.

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@Adwand I've already finished the game, I did it in 2 10 hours sessions.

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@Morphine_OD @Adwand I played The Witcher and Steam read 76 hours. I was completely satisfied with something like that! And YES I'm aware these 2 are different genres. At some point, gamers gotta say ' hey, wtf? That's it? You don't hear those complaints often enough, imo. I think that it may be because young people have a different concept of time.

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@Morphine_OD @cuddlyfuzzle @Adwand So you HATE people that play video games for different reasons than you? I don't see the appeal in trying to beat a game in the shortest amount of time, as being fun. To each his own i suppose but when you grow up and (hopefully) work hard for money, you'll see that there will be some minimum expectations you desire when buying things like games.

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@Morphine_OD @cuddlyfuzzle @Adwand Who's saying they only play a game to pass the time? I don't think it's too much to ask to get the most for your money. The story may be fantastic, I don't know, and that may make it worth the price tag, but we're talking about a game not just a story. They could have written a book, created a movie or anything else, but they chose to make a game. Therefore it has to be a complete package, hence why I'm discussing Replay Value, not strictly Time Spent.

Also, while I do enjoy discussing story quality and time, I feel you hurt your point slightly by mentioning your speed run time. I agree that Silent Hill 2 is a classic, but by simply saying your speed run was less than an hour and a half, it takes the story out. Speed Runs aren't about story, it's about how quickly can you finish, so the game in actuality is not as short as the claim. It's using one statistic that is not relevant to enhance your point.

I, for one, love being engrossed in a story. I am a writer, so I hope that I would be. I'm simply pointing out that other games have crafted fantastic tales while also providing the player with a multitude of options and choices to give the story more meat. Making DLC to give added story is not the preferred route.

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@cuddlyfuzzle @Morphine_OD @Adwand I can't stand people who play games just to pass the time. I'd pay even for a 2-hour game if it had the story.

Btw I did pay for it. My speed run of Silent Hill 2 counted 1:26 and that game is a classic.

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It also bothers me that creators of games these days view replay value as "super hard difficulties" like 1999 mode. While these are welcome additions, they aren't necessarily so different, just requiring you to slightly alter your play style, and ultimately don't feel all that difficult once you figure out the game's scheme. Give me choices that I can't go back on by circling back and seeing the other side of the door; ones that actually dictate story, and make each playthrough feel like a new experience.

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Edited By Adwand

@cuddlyfuzzle @Morphine_OD @Adwand You're right in that they are two genres, but I get your point. I look to something like Deus Ex for the PC. That game took nearly 40 hours to complete, and it had such an amazing amount of replayability. Now I'm not expecting them to recreate it, because they can't even make a decent sequel to it (Invisible War and HR are garbage by comparison), but something akin to it would be nice.

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@Adwand no you're not the only one. To me it's like buying a novel and getting a short story. They may both be good but money is money!

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You can finish the entire game in roughly 12 hours.

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@RabidBurp @Adwand That's not so horrendous like Dishonored's woefully short campaign. Still a bit under my preferred length window, but I appreciate you letting me know a rough estimate.

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@Adwand @RabidBurp apparently it took me about 22 hours on hard, taking it slowly and exploring/collecting everything. probably left it running a fair bit to make food/coffees etc, though!

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Playing on the PS3 and they have worked wonders with the graphics on this system, stunning.

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Infact I take it back, it started stunning getting off the boat but now actually its kinda pretty strandard stuff

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It'll get better and better, especially when you use the sky hook. The music in the game though is really underwhelming for the battle. You will hear the same violin horror string every single battle. The final battle especially, rather just mute the music and play Ride of the Valkyrie.

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It recieves so many mixed reactions in people personal reviews making me think maybe this game isn't for everybody. Still recieved it this morning on rental so find out when I start it.

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@LukeWesty of course it isn't for everybody. It's intelligent, and intelligent is far from being the "everybody" thing.

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@Morphine_OD you crack me up.

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Sorry guys and girls, this is one of the best FPS games (so far) I've ever played.

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Hey kevin slender the arrival is out. is gamespot's gonna review it?

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The game is overrated, i give it 7.5/10; i've only finished the game because i wanted to see how it will end and those multiverses, i understand the game, but i find it boring to play and it is too short

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ooooh can't wait to play this!

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good game - Great story (better then bio-shock)

anyone notice the option to open the door at the end after the credits?? going to have to go back to check if i could go through the other door.

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@cousinmerl You can't.

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@push88 @cousinmerl Doh!

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@cousinmerl You can't, only one door can be opened.

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Let's say if only this game would never end, I would die in front of the monitor playing it ...

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After the ending I think Elizabeth wants the players to live a normal life, once again...

It was quite the adventure one that was unforgettable to say the least but I think in end, Elizabeth would want Booker to be happy.

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Edited By Vince21C

P.S. Here's a tip for Songbird, do not view it as some omnipotent being and do not be afraid of it.

If you are so inclined to be a bit mischievous you can simply belittle it and view it as an ordinary npc or simply not pay attention to it, that way it won't deteriorate your focus when playing the game.

Of course Bioshock is meant to be played for an emotional story...

but should you need a tip

Forgive my earlier typo

Why be a joker when you can cast your own shadow in the skies.

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Edited By SincerestThanks

Phoenixes can't be burned so keep your chin up champs.

Rise up and fly, away.

People took wing on airplanes before they shot to the stars on spacecrafts.

Do not waver and do not hesitate.

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Phoenixes perch and sing to those of good will, we won't forget you,


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i found it was strangely linear and the plasmids weren't as plentiful as previous games. Only being able to wield 2 guns as well was a bit of a nerf. Story and atmosphere tho is definitely a bioshock style and very addictive to unspin her mysteries

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Looking forward to try this out. I've been playing Age of Wushu for quite a while already.

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Just beat the game and I'm going to be up all night thinking about the ending. Talk about blowing one's mind.

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The bait and switch plot twist really pissed me off. The game makes you think that the initials on your hand are your wifes because the writers LIE about the name of another character. That was really cheap Ken.

@Morphine_OD "1) I saw the ending coming. Sure, maybe it's just I'm used to this kind of fiction."

It's because they show you your face when you look into that basin when you first enter the lighthouse.

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really dull game just kind like any shotter out there, made story too complexificated for understandement. gamespot puts money in pocket for good rating feel like.

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Just finished the game, it's a good game but compared to Bioshock 1 it's disappointing, the developer shifted priorities with Infinite, the focus on story is far bigger than it is in its predecessor, the effect on gameplay and the game world is very obvious, no focus on details, gameplay is a lot simpler and more dull, no interesting weapon choices, guns are all the same gameplay wise you will get tired of it pretty quickly, and the world is interesting but Columbia doesn't even compare to Rapture, the details in Rapture and the atmosphere is missing in Columbia, sure the story is better, and while the ending is good I personally liked Bioshock 1's ending better, while there's less depth or meaning to it than Infinite's, it was more surprising and much entertaining, and honestly if I wanted a story I would read a book, sacrificing the gameplay and the freedom for the story is unforgivable. Anyway good game, disappointing sequel, I am so glad I didn't read anything about the game (no news, pics, trailers or reviews) until I finished it an hour ago, the ridiculous hype and 10/10 perfect scores and (BEST GAME EVER!!) reviews made me glad I didn't follow the game's media, a little more hyped and the game would be even more disappointing, and with every super-hyped AAA game like this I grow more fond of GameSpot, they just know how to do a review, Kevin VanOrd especially is the best reviewer out there IMO, I hope he get to review as much games as he can, you're doing a great job VanOrd, thanks!

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@Gamespot - Before you make any future changes to the site or post any more reviews, please remove the "drop-down" banner that loads on the landing page of each section! VERY ANNOYING! IM YELLING!

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Omg, this game totally reaffirms my political beliefs! I totally get that everywhere else, but not video games! 10/10!!

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Just finished it, and loved the ride

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The game is 9.5 hands down, but there are 3 large buts that smear the experience towards the end.


1) I saw the ending coming. Sure, maybe it's just I'm used to this kind of fiction.

2) Can't say the plot is very original, it definitely had Michael Moorcock's multiverse vibe to it, with a bit of Infamous seasoning.

3) Post credits scene was unwelcome and made no sense.

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Is the voice actor of the woman in 3:58-4:05 the same as Ashley' s in Mass Effect?

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Edited By FreedomPrime

Great game, just finished it earlier. man that ending was fantastic. Unfortunately I saw it coming. Not the "infinite" part but the well, you know. the Big reveal part. I wont spoil it for you but it's great.

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Edited By Tixylixx

Bioshock Infinite is like playing Half-Life again, not gameplay wise as the gameplay is god awful, character wise, in that they all look the same!

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Edited By PsiZombie

Gameplay wise it's very standard. I have only played it for some hours, but the religious / racial aspect seems very controversial, which is something I have never really seen in a game like this before. The game á gameplay deserves a 9.0, but story-wise (which I already find very gripping) deserves a 10... but I might still change my mind as I proceed :)

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Edited By gufberg

I just finished it. Flat out the best FPS - and perhaps the best game - i've ever played. It blew me away. Now i feel alone because it's over. I won't get to meet these people or their amazing world again except for a few DLC's down the line.

I completely love this game. 10/10 no wait, 11/10.

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OK, what's the final verdict in regards to needing to play Bioshock and Bioshock 2 prior to this game? Is it necessary to play the prior versions to understand the story? Granted, I understand I "should" play Bioshock.

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@jammylambo lmao and ewwww

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This game is immaculate!:D Hey guys please check out my Songbird edition unboxing and 1st hr Gameplay Preview!!! Thanx!


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I completely disagree (again) with the media fan hype. This is Ken Levine's version of "Bioshock 2" - nothing more. The same game mechanics, the same controls, design patterns, narrative game elements ... it is very disappointing, but 2KGames will love the sales & the press - again - falling in love with their OWN ideas of what is important: the story, the girl. As if all of this was not googlesearched & put together in a manner just like the previous game, stealing ideas that makes Thomas Pynchon's "Against the Day" look like minor Nabokov. It is an ok game - which looks very nice. And there are worse FPS stories. But nothing feels sincere. 30 Flights of Loving did more in a way shorter time.

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Just completed the game and I cannot stop thinking about it. One of the best I've ever played.

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cant wait to play....looks so awesome ;P

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Once Bioshock Infinite is compatible with Oculus Rift, man will have surpassed God. This is one of the most amazing games ever created.

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Edited By miker00lz

This game is ridonkulous! Can't stop playing. Haven't beaten it yet, I just got past the part where you battle Lady Comstock's ghost. There haven't been many games recently being put out that really grab me to the point that I can't stop playing.

The only 3 games in the last 4 or 5 years to really do that for me are Hitman Absolution, Bioshock Infinite, and Dead Space 1. I'm very, very excited for Watch Dogs coming out later this year. The gameplay videos and trailers look absolutely amazing! I hope it really is as good as it looks.

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