With it's reasonably-short quest and unique WRPG-esque character growth system, this is a worthy addition for any gamer.

User Rating: 8 | Megami Tensei Gaiden: Last Bible GBC
Some gamers, mostly those who prefer titles in the Metal Gear Solid or Grand Theft Auto series, feel that the Japanese role-playing game genre is completely flawed, due to it's tedious level grinding and preset character growth. Fortunately, to prove them wrong, there's a JRPG for the GBC that throws out both preconceptions. And it's a Shin Megami Tensi title, to boot.

Graphicswise, they're very good. The the world that you travel in this game is highly varied, which ranges from small, unclimbable mountains to tundras of ice. The character sprite are good, but could use a little bit more variety. What gets the jot done, graphically, are the monster sprites, which are huge and typical of an 8-bit RPG.

As far as sound is concerned, it's top of the line. The sound effects, especially in battle, come in at the right time. The music is definately catchy, which music ranging from your typical RPG fare to some that are very gothic.

Controlwise, they're good, but could use a little work on it. The movement of the characters on the world map are a tad bit oversensitive, usually meaning you'll be bumping to walls when you are actually trying to get through a narrow passageway. Also, the battle controls work like they should.

Regarding gameplay, it is just plain fun. Level grinding in this game goes by rather quickly, thanks to an over-abundance of experience points and money per monster killed. In fact, the longest it took me to get a character up a level was only 20 minutes, at the most. What makes this game stand apart from it's JRPG breatheren is it's WRPG-esque character growth system. When a character gains a level, he/she is given one stat point to distribute amongst five stats. This creates a lot of character customization, which makes the game more fun in the long run.

Overall, this is a very addicting JRPG and one that can be completed in 20 hours or less. It makes JRPG publishers wish they had a character growth system similar to this game's.