Resistance 3... Insomniac's last chance to profe that they can keep the resistance series standing... Did they succeed?

User Rating: 8.5 | Resistance 3 PS3
Lost Hope.
Resistance 3... Where to start? There are many good things about Insomniac's last stand for the resistance saga... Well, everyone knows the story; Nathan Hale is dead as a dodo, and unlike in Resistance 1 & 2, the human race now realises that it no longer stands a chance against the continuingly growing Chimera virus... You are Jozef (Joe for the homies) and you know all this, but you still want to live a normal life. Hiding from the Chimera, with all friends and family he can find. You are nothing. Dead already. Just like all the rest.

Up Your Arsenal!
Still, Insomniac prominently leaves it's mark on Resistance 3, just as they did in the first 2 games. Big-ass guns and gigantic Chimeran bosses... The bigger the better, as we are all used from Insomniac... About the guns; these come in as many forms as in the Ratchet and Clank series and they've got "Awesome" written all over it. Being pro with the deadeye, having explosive fun with the marksman, or just kick ass with the rossmore. Resistance 3 is playable in many different ways and you'll knowi t as soon as you hear the loud scream of the first Chimeran you ever killed. As Joe.

Oh, no, they didn't.
One of the things that affected me the most in this one, were the moments that... Well... As Gamespot calls them; "Oh, Snap" moments. Like when you're in a boat, stuck in ice, being chased by an alien 2 times the size of the empire state building while there's another kind of Martians jumping on the boat. One of those moments bashed with adrenalin where you don't think you have a chance, but feel totally awesome when you survived. But hey, actually, the entire game's kinda' like that. Because you didn't want this. And there's only one thing of importance.

To Survive.