A Must Have for any Gamecube owner and Suvial Horror fan

User Rating: 9.3 | Resident Evil GC
Resident Evil was "THE" game that got me into gaming. I never actually got to beat the game back on the Playstation so when I got the Gamecube version I knew I had to beat it so I can find out what was going on.

Story/Gameplay - 8: Without telling too much of the story.....you play as Jill Valentine an agent for S.T.A.R.S. Somehow her crew comes across this mansion and they begin exploring it to find some of their crew members. The mansion is full of zombies, vicious blood thirsty dogs, weird looking grasshopper thingys, and hunters. On the way Jill starts learning more about the manison and what was really going on.....and also who is behind all of the weird things thats going on. A lot of people complain about the controls of this game.....and don't get me wrong.....I don't like them but they really aren't that bad. The first 20 minutes is rough because it feels like you are controlling a tank. But it does get better as time goes on. I might actually be the only person that likes that inventory system because I think it gives you enough room to carry what you have to. I never had a problem with not having any spaces in my inventory. The puzzles in this game are the classic find the object and then place it here. There is a lot of emblem placing and box/statue moving. They aren't the hardest puzzles but they can get a little annoying

Graphics - 10: In one word.....amazing.This is no doubt the Gamecube at its best. All of the rooms in the mansion looked great. In some rooms you could see the light from the thunder through the window. The residence and the cave is just as beautiful. All of the enemies look gross...but in a good way (especially the dogs and the boss at the end). The cutscenes were mind blowing.

Sound - 9: I played this game in on my TV with surround sound. I thought the sound did the game some serious justice. There were times I could hear bugs crawling on the floor, of course the dogs running towards you, the crows and their noise.....it scared me to hear all of that.....but it was a great scare. The voice acting wasn't all that good but....I dealt with it. One sound I love to hear is when a zombie trys to attack Jills leg. Thats an awesome sound when she steps on their head and crushes them.

Value - 10: Resident Evil has some good replay value. Once you beat the game as Jill you can go back and play Chris' walkthrough. There are also three difficulties....easy, normal and hard. I played on normal.

I think that anyone that has a Gamecube should pick up Resident Evil. It doesn't matter if you like survival horror games or not....you are still going to enjoy the story that is told and the breath taking graphics.