
User Rating: 8.5 | Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles WII
You're a fan of the Resident Evil franchise and you are always eager to know more about the series? Or you're a hardcore fan of rail shooter games like Time Crisis or The House of the Dead or Virtua Cop or Jurassic Park: The Lost World... Or you're both? Well, Resident Evil:The Umbrella Chronicles is the game for you!
From Cavia(more like Caviar) Inc(i don't know this game developer company), Resident Evil:The Umbrella Chronicles is a rail shooter game(quite surprising, huh)
*Note:Sorry for interrupt, but lemme tell you something about the RE franchise:
For fans of the Series, there are a title: RE: Survivor .It is a title of the game to be in First Person view. And it's not so popular.But this game is better and more popular,too. I bet you're wondering what does that have to do with this game, well.. RE:Survivor is a light-gun shooter.
OK, back to the business. RE:TUC(yeah, the full name is punishing long) is like a "diary" because it takes us back to the events in RE0, RE1, RE2 in the first person- rail shooter view, and something "special":The story of Albert Wesker(Beginning and Rebirth) during RE0(trying to escape the Umbrella's Training Facility, confronting Sergei Vladimir) and RE1(resurrecting after being hit by the Tyrant T-002, escaping the mansion and battling Lisa Trevor),the story of Rebecca Chambers(Nightmare) after split up with Billy Coen(greeting Richard, finding their way in the mansion), Ada's story(Death's Door)(escaping Raccoon City and retrieving the G-VIrus), and HUNK's scenario(Fourth Survivor)escaping(what's up with the escaping?)But this is the gem:Umbrella's End. It takes place in 2003, when Chris and Jill destroy Umbrella's last and strongest base left:Russia, and destroy the ultimate BOW: T.A.L.O.S. And there is one more story about Wesker(Dark Legacy) infiltrating Sergei's stronghold get rid of him once for all.
And sorry for talking too much about the storyline, but I'm a hardcore RE fan and the truth is one reason for this game to be popular is its storyline.About the game: As I told you, it's a rail-shooter game like Time Crisis and House of the Dead but there are no hiding and pedaling and timing things... you know, just shoot the hell out of it. You can't move as you want(it is a rail-shooter) so the fear factor is reduced. The enemy just pop-out of the screen like House of the Dead... you know.. like "it's a rail-shooter so definitely something will pop out" kind of stuff... unlike the original RE, we don't know what's waiting for the dark... ready to kill... ok,ok,sorry.
The levels are linear, except for some times you can choose different routes(kinda like virtua cop, eh?) and result in different enemy,,, increase the replay value.
In the game, you will play as different characters depending on the scenario(or the situation you say...)But I prefer Ada...yeah...her guns are devastating and her counter is amazing...yes... about the characters each character has different looks(duh),,,just kidding.... each character has a different "counter move", that is when a zombie grab hold of the player, by shaking the Wii remote you can execute a "counter move", which is a one-hit kill for any zombies. For Ada it's two kicks.The first at he chest, the second at the head(I think so).
HUNK's is cool,too.A kick and a neck-breaker.(But he jumps forward and backward , so it's not real).
There is a variety of weapon,too.From the just-normal handgun of Billy Coen to the famous Samurai Edge of the S.T.A.R.S member and the almighty Handcannon of Wesker and Ada's Burst Handgun (3 rounds per shot) and HUNK's Matilda.But the longer you play, the more you realize how...useless your handguns are.It's NOT THAT EASY to take down a Hunter using a handgun, even a Crimson Head. So you need more guns if you want to live. Submachine guns, machine guns, shotguns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers,... they're enough to keep you survive.
The weapons are upgradeable using ponts you earn after each level. The better you play the game, the more points you earn.
The weapons can be upgrade normally to level 4 and level 5 is special upgrade.
Sometimes you will meet enemies that are difficult to hit, then you can use the knife. It doesn't deal high damage but it could destroy the annoying bats, leeches, bees no problem.
But if you want to save ammo, remember the slogan "headshots are everything in shooting game"?Yes, if you can shoot the zombie in the head, there is a chance that the head of the zombie will blow up, making an one-hit kill. But it's really hard to do that. You shoot the heads but they don't usually blow up. So It's just hard.
And some of the objects are destructible: Chairs,tables, wooden frames, pictures, lights, boxes,......... They give you ammo, health, background files about the game(This is the real treasure) and give you the chance to increase the points you can get.
The cursor is just fine, there is no problem with it...The indicator is not complicated, either...
Now, we talk about the enemies... there are zombies, hunters, web spinners, B.O.Ws... all kinds of them. They look good and alive with all their monstrosity.And the bosses? They're TOUGH.
Yeah! If you're not that good, you will end up "You have died" all the time! But some of them are... amazingly...easy. I remember taking out a Tyrant in, 20 seconds! Yeah! But some bosses like T.A.L.O.S or Ivan is something else...
The graphics are good,too. The sound is good, but in an exciting, like Rock, not creepy music. But that's OK!
After all, this game would deserve an 8.5!